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F i f t y  E i g h t

This one is for bilqees24

Sometimes Allah takes
away our Yusuf
from us so we can
develop the love
and yearning
of Yaqub.


The tall house erected in the middle, patrolled by Alnihayya guards on all sides. It seemed to rise higher than the grey clouds of smog the war had left behind.
Its numerous rectangular windows and a huge balcony with a podium sticking out, gave the effect of a Victorian fortress. Brightly coloured banners with baba's pictures could be seen everywhere. They brought a bit of colour to the otherwise gloomy air.

The metal gate we had come through, opened every now and again, letting more people in. It was a claustrophobic sea of humans. Noise of weeping children, distressed parents, people angrily pushing over one another. A disgusting odour of sweat lingered in the air. I struggled to make my way towards the front. I had to shove a woman out of the way. I wish I could stop to say sorry but I needed to reach baba inside the building or else we all would be very sorry.
I pushed past the last cluster of people when it all went silent. No more children wailing, phones ringing, people shouting. I stopped, looked around me. Everyone had their eyes fixed on the balcony of the building. It was previously empty but now there was baba, an Alnihayya soldier and another man who seemed far from being an arab. Cameras flashing on them. Everyone including me, waiting for them to say something.

Baba stepped on to the podium and scanned the crowd. His eyes didn't catch me but I stared straight at him. Maybe I was shocked or maybe I was relieved to see him safe or maybe both.
"Assalam o alaikum." Baba said. "Peace be upon you" The Alnihayya soldier translated
to English.
Hushed whispers of walaikum salam rose from the crowd and from my own dry throat.
I was glad there was a translator. I really wanted to understand baba's speech.

"If you're not sure if I'm talking to you or not, I am. I am addressing every single person across the globe who now witnesses this free land. Every man is our brother, every woman our sister. Every girl is our daughter, every boy our son. You rub cake on your face and wonder why someone starves? You steal someone's resources and wonder why he's poor? You kill someone's homeland and wonder why he is angry? You see someone in need of help and just shrug saying, 'poor him' with false sympathy. Well he won't be poor if it wasn't for your own self. Stop kidding yourself by saying things like 'over population', 'less food'. There IS enough food. There IS enough space. A species who managed to reach the outer space doesn't have enough food? Yes we do. But its not for the dying humans obviously. Its for the pet dogs and cats of the rich." Baba ran a hand over the Alnihayya brooch on his coat as the emotional audience cheered and cried for their losses and social injustice. He knew how to act like a leader. "I gave you all the option of fighting to gain freedom. I said freedom is precious than blood. Here I stand today to apologize because although there's no more Israeli occupation, you are still not free. You all lost loved ones. The children who saw this are scarred and traumatized for life. Their whole life and even after they will be considered nothing but war survivors for the world. People will send donations from across the world, sympathetic speeches would be made, you will be shown fake empathy. I ask, do you want that?"

As expected the answer was a big, unanimous "NO!" with an outburst of emotions. I could hear cheers like, 'Long live the leader. Long live Alnihayya.'

Baba raised his hand to silence everyone. "That's why we have Mr. Konstantin here today. He has offered to open factories in Palestine. Loads of them. We won't need to beg for help from other nations! We won't need donations! We can rebuild our own Palestine. Every single person can get a job in the factories. No one would have to starve again."
A cacophony of applause, cheering and clapping charged through the air.
That's where it clicked to me. That foreign looking guy with baba was the Russian dude who wanted to open the mind control gun factories in Palestine! The people were happy, unaware of what the factories were going to be about. Baba's speech was a brainwasher for them.  The camera drones recorded everything and I was positive the speech would be live all around the world.

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