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This one is for sheikuufathima

Allah loves those who turn to Him constantly and He loves those who keep themselves pure and clean.

-Surah Baqarah| The Wise Qur'an-


Its frightening-- how we humans just read the epilogue of someone's book and pretend we know the whole story.

As I stared into Zeyara Suleiman's eyes-- the feeling was strange. Only eyes because I would crack down If I stared at the rest of his face. The feeling of being caged and free, anchored and flying, crying and laughing all at the same time.

The knowledge that I had never even seen the face of the person I married.

I wish Minahil was here to hear this. When she had asked me, 'How did he even marry you when he didn't even know what you looked like?'
I wish I could tell her that not only Zeyara, even I didn't know what he looked like.

"Sit." I whispered, the lowest of whispers.

We had been standing the whole time while he confessed everything that he had been hiding.

I lowered myself to the floor, pushed away the grains of sand that had been the aftermath of the poor punch bag's demise and crossed my legs. My gaze fixed on my fingers as they played with each other in my lap.

There were a few silent seconds before Zeyara gave in and sat down heavily on the floor, seeming as though he was falling.

Zeyara would have been in tears if he still had his tear glands. Other than his eyes, his entire body was crying. His face-- whatever was left of it was sulken and sunk as he stared at the grey floor.

"So the ten moles on your left foot....they're because of the burns! Phew. Alhamdulillah." I murmured, It was a feeble attempt to stop my eyes from watering and to lighten the atmosphere.

It failed though, because he didn't give any answer, not even a nod.

I wanted him to talk to me, at least look up at me but he just sat in front of me gloomily, leaving so many unanswered questions.

"Okay I have to tell you something as well." I faked a very serious voice. He still didn't look up.
"While you were gone, everyone thought you were dead. I wanted to get married so bad and I got a proposal so........"

Yessss! Finally it worked and he jerked his head up to look at me. His eyes were scared, so scared! Idiot didn't even comprehend how I could get married before the iddat.
"I'm sorry Zeyara." I sighed and glanced down at my hands. "That man was so handsome and he was a good muslim and he said he loved me and I--"

His mouth was slightly agape, he seemed to have held his breath. Zeyara's heart must be throbbing in fear. I forced myself not to laugh.
"I know you won't like to hear this but you need to know that I had no choice. I declined the proposal."

I tipped my head back and roared with laughter. He actually fell for it.

Zeyara stared at me in disbelief and surprise, probably thinking how I could laugh after such a sad revelation.

I wiped a tiny tear from my eye as I stopped laughing and looked back into his eyes. At least he was looking up at me now. I was kinda getting jealous of the floor.

"Does it not bother you at all that it was not my face that you liked?"

I thought for a second and shrugged evasively. "Honestly speaking, yes it does but thank Allah your curls are real! I always imagine your hair, not your face."

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