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F o r t y  S e v e n
This one is for queeniram

"How beautiful is it that Allah
will eagerly forgive you for
things that you can't even forgive yourself for."


According to Zeyara he joined me on the floor because, "You are so clever zawjati! You were planning to sleep on the floor and get the reward of the sunnah alone so you could get to a higher level of jannah than me and marry someone else there?"

I looked at him incredulously as we walked towards the elevator after praying fajr in the masjid. "Out of all the reasons a person could sleep on the floor, you thought of that?"

He shrugged and replied, "Obviously! But your plan failed because I slept on the floor as well. Now you are stuck with me!"

"Because of your silliness I woke up late and now I have to bear Humna's punishment."

"Hey! Its not my fault that I'm so hot and you didn't want to wake up from sleeping beside me." He chuckled, his deep laughter brought the silent coridoor to life. People turned their heads to look at us and I gazed down in embarrassment.

"Astagfirullah for real. We are fasting Zeyara!" I elbowed him.

We reached the elevators and halted. We had to go opposite ways. Zeyara had to go to halba and I wanted to meet Saddia.

"We will continue this conversation after iftar and I need a good enough reason as to why you came to the room so late last night?" He said mirthfully as he stepped into an elevator, hands as always, stuffed in his pockets.

"To avoid your hotness." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah I know you might melt but please don't be late tonight. I want to call abbi and Marwa before they start thinking we are dead and prepare for our funeral." He chuckled before the elevator door closed and he gradually disappeared from my view while doing funny dance steps to tease me through the glass door.

It was impossible not to admire him. I smiled to myself as I took the other elevator to the airport.

Saddia is usually in the airport in the morning, at least that's what Zara told me. I wanted to talk her into allowing me to call Minahil's parents. I couldn't let Minahil suffer alone like this.

Rightfully I found Saddia in the airport and asked her if she would let me call Minahil's family since they were like my own family. She agreed reluctantly, probably because of me being a leader.
She led me through the elevator to a room which had the label 'Netwroking' and was full of rows and rows of hi- tech wide screen computers and professional looking people, wearing headphones and microphones, typing away on the screens.

She halted beside one of the computers which wasn't being used by anyone. I watched as she typed and swiped a number of times before pulling out a chair from under that table and asking me to sit.
Saddia set the headphones on me as soon as I sat down.

"When you're done, just follow the same way we came in. I've got to go to halba so I won't be able to stay here with you." Saddia said before she left me. I didn't tell her, but I was glad for this. I didn't want her to hear my conversation with papa.

I could hear the bell ringing in my ears for a while before someone finally picked it up.

"Hello?" It was the voice of Minahil's mother, a voice that had been imprinted in my memory as my own mother's voice, ever since I could remember.

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