||K h a w l a h||

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F o r t y
This one is for khadijaholmes

When you are alone
remind yourself that Allah
has sent everyone away so that it's only you and Him.


Day three of being in Alnihayya.

Minahil had been avoiding me ever since that bizzare, out of the world proposal which still looks like a joke to me.

With unsettling gazes, tense silence, awkward smiles, she was just not ready to talk to me about that. Little did she know that even if she had not avoided me, I still wouldn't have asked her anything.

All the questions I have right now are for Zeyara.

She had an appointment with a doctor right after breakfast so she left in a hurry with food stuffed in her mouth.

After finishing my food, I was getting bored, doing nothing but wasting oxygen alone so I went up to Saddia's table where she was laughing along with her friends.

"Hey new girl!" One of the girls on Saddia's table greeted me with a mischievous grin.

"Hi." I tried to sound cheerful even though I wasn't.

All the girls on this table were so daunting and confident with an air of expensive perfume around them.

They made me want to do what Jerry does when he sees Tom;
Run away and hide in a hole.

"Soha! Show some respect. She's not just a new girl, she's our eleventh leader." Saddia dejected, glaring daggers at her friend.

That girl, Soha, gaped in shock and I wouldn't blame her because I was doing the same.
"I am a what?"

"I'm surprised you don't know miss but your profile has been added as a leader in the database."

I wanted to tell her I didn't even know I had a profile but I didn't want to seem more 'un- professional' in front of those professional ladies.

"She and a leader?" Soha pointed at me and scoffed, batting her long eye lashes, "What quality does she have?"

"Soha please--" Saddia tried stopping her but she cut her off.

"Saddia I'm sorry but that's the truth honey. To be a leader you have to be working here for years, you need to go through Kashf and you need to have a special quality that differneciates you from the others. And this girl." She pointed at me again, "doesn't have any of that."

I think I should've felt offended by her words but I didn't because I knew that was the truth. Soha wasn't being rude, she was being genuine.
She deserved to be a leader more than I did. In fact, everyone in the cavern was more capable of being a leader than me.
I mean look at me, I don't even know what Kashf is that she is talking about.

The only thing I have that they don't, is me being Naeem Ansar's daughter.

"Soha she doesn't need any of that. She has it all in her blood." Saddia sighed, "she's Naeem Ansar's daughter."

The table grew silent at her words with an uneasy tension in the air.
"I-- I didn't know. I'm sorry miss." Soha apologised in a low voice, completely opposite to her previous tone.

"It's okay." I said and wanted to add "even I didn't know."

Soha's face had instantly dropped due to regret and shame that she had used those harsh words for the founder's daughter.

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