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This one is for malsa13112

Difficult roads always lead to beautiful destinations.


They attacked when everyone was sleeping and could do nothing to defend themselves.
The terrorist who had just greeted me, stood right in front of me with a wide cocky grin on his face.

I glanced behind him with my breathing loud in my ears.
All of the Alnihayya men were on their knees with terrorists pointing their heavy klashinkovs on their heads. Just one wrong step and they would pull the trigger, killing them all in one go.

I could see a helpless Ibrahim with a terrorist holding his hands behind him to prevent him from doing anything.

The women had also been clustered at a side, some of them sobbing. They were being guarded by a bunch of terrorist women.
They had reached another level of disgusting by involving their women in this bloodshed.
One of those ISIS women turned around briefly to face me and I shook my head in disbelief as soon as I recognised her.

It was that girl Shafin.

As soon as our eyes met, her mouth opened in shock before she quickly looked away.

That was enough.
She had already gone through so much and now they made her a part of this idiocity, they call jihad.

Anger filled every atom of my body as I rose to my feet to face the coward in front of me. I wasn't scared anymore, I was burning in rage and fury.

Normally in such a situation I would've started crying, running or hiding behind Zeyara.
But there was no Zeyara.
Anger had become my strength.

I tossed my head up and glared at him. I wanted to wipe that grin off his face. I wanted to avenge Zeyara.

I was well aware that my niqab was not in its correct position because of sleeping. A bit of my mouth was uncovered. It was all an advantage really.

Sensing my anger, the terrorist stepped closer to me, chuckling. "Don't you try doing anything silly sweethe-"

Before he could call me 'sweetheart' from his filthy tongue, I spit at him.

Right at his face.

He stopped there in his tracts, mouth wide open and a hand moving to his face where my saliva had landed.

Behind him, everyone chuckled at my bold attempt. Even his fellow terrorists tried to suppress their laughter but couldn't.

"Stop laughing!" He screamed an order, while trying to wipe it off his face, but no one obeyed.

"I said Stop. Laughing!" He shouted once again, this time his voice was louder and full of anger.
Everyone immediately became silent, sensing the threat in his words. His eyes diverted back to me as soon as everyone had gone silent.

"How dare you?! Bitch." He sweared, loading his sniper and pointing it at my face.

"Mashal run!" Ibrahim ordered me in his panic striken tone and as a result received a kick in his gut from one of he terrorist holding him.

I felt a wave of terror inside me.
My weak side told me to run but at he same time, my strong side, which had developed quite recently after losing Zeyara, told me to stay and fight.

If I ran, how far could I go? They would catch me easily. If I stayed, it still won't make a difference. Pain, rape and death. That would be the end in both situations.

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