Drunk and High

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"She's got a smile it seems to me,

Reminds me of childhood memories,

Where everything,

Was as fresh as the bright blue sky,

Now and then when I see her face

She takes me away to that special place,

And if I'd stare too long

I'd probably break down and cry".

People looked at me strange as I walked through the quarter singing Guns N Roses still dressed in last night's clothes, or maybe they were the nights before that's clothes. I shrugged not bothered about how long I had been in my black, blue, purple and orange tasselled party dress, days just seemed to blend together during week long benders.

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My once tight flawless curls now hung lip and wavy along my shoulders, and I was sure my smoky eye make-up now resembled that of a racoon, my strappy black heels pinched my feet but I stopped caring about that hours ago.

"Oh, oh, o

Sweet child o' mine

Oh, oh, oh, oh

Sweet love of mine"

I continued to sing as I made my way back to the compound, not looking forward to the inevitable fight I would have with my husband. I'd properly just get him into bed to avoid fighting; then again sex with Nik was great when we were both fired up.

This had been our routine now for the past few months ever since the night Rebekah and Katherina took her away. I'd go out get drunk and high off innocent blood, go off the grid for a couple of days come home fight with my husband and then we would lock ourselves in the bedroom to makeup. I don't know how many perfectly good outfits Nik had destroyed during those hours we locked ourselves away, the thought alone made me smirk.

I was lost in my thoughts of lust that I didn't notice the person walking towards me, by the time I looked up I had already bumped into the human making my purse fall to the ground the contents spilling all-over the concrete.

"Watch where you're going" I hissed picking up my lipstick, phone and other miscellaneous things throwing them back into my small black clutch.

"I think it was you that bumped into me darling" a cocky English voice replied.

"What did you just call me" I spat standing u,p no one but Kol and sometimes Nik called me that. I glared at the over confident looking boy who couldn't be more than twenty-two.

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