Bored Easily

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"They'll be here soon" I smirked looking out the window at the now dark New Orleans landscape, the moon had reached its apex meaning Niklaus was at his weakest.

"Not soon enough" Nik snapped from his place on the floor, I sighed and stepped away from the window turning to kneel in-front of my husband, I took his clammy face in mine kissing his forehead and then his lips.

"We're going to kill them all Nik, every last one" I promised.

The plan had been set in motion; we had come to the conclusion that Francesca didn't have the white oak stake as she would have used it by now, we would worry about who actually had the stake once the mutts had been dealt with and all the moonlight rings had been accounted for.

Marcel's friend Joe that he had turned a century ago would already be at the Guerrera mansion right now pretending to turn on his own kind in exchange for a peaceful life in the quarter, when really Joe would just be sending the wolves to their death.

Joe would send the wolves Cami's way after convincing Francesca that Father Kieran had come into possession of the white oak stake. Cami would send the wolves to the Olmstead Distillery across the river to find the stake only it wouldn't be there, Marcel would.

Meanwhile Elijah would take care of the Guerrera family; Elijah had the Guerrera mansion declared a historical landmark which meant it was owned by the people of New Orleans meaning that vampires could enter the large estate without an invitation.

While all this was happening, Nik and I would stay in the compound me being his personal bodyguard until he got/ his full strength back.


"Looks like our friends have arrived Nik" I smirked hearing grunts and soft footsteps coming from the court yard.

"Well what are you waiting for angel?" Nik questioned with a raised brow, I scoffed lightly kissing his forehead before disappearing into the shadows.

I watched the mongrels swarm my home splitting up in search of my husband and I, two left there pack heading up the stairs only they didn't make it far. I sped up behind them, plunging my hand through their backs pulling out their hearts dropping them on the ground in disgust taking the moonlight rings from their unpolished fingers.

I barely had time to pat myself on the back for a job well done when I heard growling to my left, I turned and leered at the six wolves who dared barge into my home.

"Did all of you come to see little old me, well don't I feel special" I smiled sarcastically, the six mutts charged at me I jumped in mid-air speeding past them so I was now behind them.

"One of you will lose their heart like your fallen comrades by the staircase, two more will soon be headless, one more will be down a spine because I'm feeling creative, and the rest will just have their necks snapped being that I get bored easily" I explained as they turned to face me again.

"Even an original is weakened by a werewolf bite" the bitch in the suit and tie sneered, making me tilt, my head in confusion.

"Biting is between lovers, not queens and peasants" I explained before pulling out her heart.

"Who's next" I smiled sinisterly as their eyes turned amber and their poisonous fangs extended.

I vamped around them spilling their blood as I went, I decapitated one fellow throwing his head into the court yard, then I snapped two of their necks before creeping up behind my next victim plunging my hand through their lower back and grabbing a hold of their spinal cord snapping it making my victim cry out in agony, I may not had pulled their spine all the way out but the wolf still died.

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