What I've Done

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"Ding Dong, the witch is dead, Which old witch? The wicked witch Ding Dong, the wicked witch is dead"

"Seriously!" a voice behind me exclaimed interrupting my singing.

"Marcellus there you are, we thought you weren't coming, didn't we Eden" I cooed tying the ribbon on her ivory dress.

"Well you still have me compelled" he huffed.

I sighed picking Eden up from my bed and into my arms, I smothered her in kisses and blew raspberries on her cheeks causing her to scream with laughter.

"I'm sorry Marcellus, I really am but honestly would you have done anything for me without compulsion?" I questioned.

He avoided eye contact which answered my question.

"After tonight you can drink vervain until your heart's content, now hold your sister while I change" I smiled kissing Eden once more before handing her to Marcellus.

I looked at the two of them together and smiled, I snapped a picture on my phone quickly before going behind the changing screen.

"Do we need to go over the plan again Marcellus?"

"No, you compelled me just fine" he replied bitterly.

I rolled my eyes zipping up the side of my ensemble before stepping around the divider.

"What do you think?"

"You look beautiful" he answered honestly, making my grin widen.

"Now humor me and explain the plan one more time" I spoke while slipping on my shoes.

"Take Eden to the safe house and wait for your call if I don't hear from you within two hours run".

"Perfect" I replied, looking myself over in the full-length mirror.

I was wearing a snow white full-length tailored jumpsuit, with wide leg pants, and a triangle cut-out in the midriff, which made the piece look like two separate pieces. The top was made in a bandeau style with a large bow acting as a strap on the right shoulder, the bow fell down my back and flowed behind me.

I accessorized with a skinny gold belt around my waist, white platform heels, and some diamond earrings. My hair was parted in the middle and pulled behind me, my make-up minimal as always with some velvet teddy, mac lipstick on my lips.

 My hair was parted in the middle and pulled behind me, my make-up minimal as always with some velvet teddy, mac lipstick on my lips

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