I Haven't Died

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I know most of you are missing Thyra, Lucille and Giselle believe me I've seriously missed writing them 😭❤️

Unfortunately my Laptop is still broken 💻 Its basically on the verge of death💀 so there is really no point getting it repaired 😲😲

I've been saving my wages/paycheck's to get a new one 🙌🏼 So when I get paid this week I should be able to get a new Laptop yay!!! 🤗

I know I've updated Siren since my laptop broke, well my sister gave me her laptop for a week so I finished off the updates I had half finished.

That's why that happened. 👍🏼

Anyways I should be back to updating very, very soon so please stay with me I promise the updates will be worth while 💪🏼😘❤️

Until then stay beautiful my lovelies


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