Eight Hour Plans

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Two figures stood side by side staring down at the motionless body before them.

"You should have let her anger run its course" an angry voice spoke through a phone which was on speaker.

"And let her destroy everything we've been working towards" the second voice replied as they stood beside a familiar yet unfamiliar face who was the youngest of the three.

"How long do you plan to keep her this way" the younger of the three snapped.

"As long as I see fit" the second voice replied again.

"I've heard that before too many times" the younger one scoffed back.

"She'll never forgive us, we've gone too far" the voice through the speaker stated.

"She will, she always does" the second voice replied a third time, trying to convince not only the other's but themselves too.

Eight Hours Earlier

"I can't just leave him unconscious and alone" Katerina spoke from the other line of my I-phone which was pressed againest my ear

"Eden is in danger Kat, Elijah will be fine" I replied trying my best not to hurl when I spoke his name.

"Well maybe if you told me what's going on...."

"Kat just bring me my daughter" I snapped.

"Okay you sound really on edge, you okay?"

No, I wasn't okay, I didn't know how long Finn would keep Elijah and Klaus, so I had to get to Eden before either of them woke up.

"Listen I'll explain everything when I see you, just meet me at the gas station on James station road in an hour, please" I replied.

"And Elijah?".

"Elijah and Klaus are keeping Finn busy while I get Eden to safety" I spoke lying through my teeth.

I couldn't tell her the truth, well the whole truth, she knew that Finn had taken Kol, Niklaus, Elijah and I hostage in some witchy astral plan and that he had let Kol and I go.

Kat was too in love with Elijah and because of this I didn't know where her loyalties lay anymore.

"Alright I'll pack as much of her things as I can" Kat agreed before we said our goodbyes.

What I was doing was dangerous I knew that, but I couldn't do this I couldn't be here anymore with these people, my so-called family, all who had betrayed me at one point or another.

First Rebekah and Marcel who back in nineteen-nineteen had brought Mikael back to the city making me loose a century with my son, a son who now hated me for killing his friend and siding with a family who had done nothing but let both of us down.

Kol had sided with his mother a woman who had tried to kill my child and I on multiple occasions. I mean just because she killed my sister doesn't mean I didn't hate her anymore, if anything I respected her a little for taking my hate to protect Elijah.

Then there was Niklaus, who had broken my heart more times than I'd like to admit and finally Elijah who had killed my own flesh and blood and lied to my face over and over.

No, there was nothing left for me in New Orleans.

So, I was leaving taking my daughter from harm, Niklaus would see it as betrayal, but I wasn't going into hiding he could see her whenever he pleased. Hell, he could follow us if he liked, I just refused to allow that city and the people who inhabited it break me anymore.

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