Forgotten Kiss

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First, I'd like to apologise for the delay in updates I was away on holidays at the end of june then I had a lot of personal things to deal with when I came home so I hope you enjoy this update and hope it was worth the wait.

Also thank you for being so patient my lovelies, I love you all.

P.s you might want to read the previous chapter before you read the new one just to refresh your memory.

She smelt of wildflowers just as I remembered.

She looked different than the last time I had seen her, she had grown so much in the weeks I had been absent from her life.

She had bright blue eyes just like her father, blonde hair that was slightly brunette in the right light I could tell it would be like my own in years to come, she had chubby jaws that begged to be pinched, with little dimples again like her fathers, and a button nose like my own and with a smile that could melt the coldest heart.

Eden was perfect, even more perfect than I remembered.

"Beautiful" Nik whispered as he entered the room looking at Eden and me.

I was laying on the plush sofa with my daughter contently napping on my chest.

"Isn't she" I replied still unable to wipe the smile on my face since I got to the safe house.

The journey to the safe house had been the longest of my life it was unbearable neither Nik nor I spoke the entire journey both our thoughts on the little baby who we had been missing. I didn't demand an explanation as to why we were going to see Eden or why he didn't tell me that Esther found Rebekah, in that moment I didn't care I just wanted to see Eden again.

Then finally we finally reached our destination, I didn't even wait for Nik to stop the car before I was rushing forward and taking Eden from Rebekah's arms and into my own I held her close telling her how much I missed her and how sorry I was that I had to leave her.

I held my daughter close to me and looked over every little detail, from her tiny fists, to her wide eyes and wiggling legs before reluctantly handing her over to her father, knowing that Niklaus needed to hold her just as much as I did.

While Nik held our Eden, I took the time to express how much I missed my blonde sister and my feisty doppelganger niece who was standing extremely close to Elijah, thanking them both for what they'd done.

The foreign feeling of happiness filled me as Nik wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close to him and Eden, this was how it was meant to be, our family happy and together.

"Motherhood suits you angel" Nik spoke breaking me from my thoughts. I laughed leaning forward careful not to wake my sleeping wildflower, so Nik could sit behind me.

"Once we take care of everything back in New Orleans, maybe parenthood can become a permanent job for the two of us" I spoke leaning back into his chest.

"We'll get her home angel" he told me with so much conviction that I didn't hesitate to believe him.

"How did we do it Nik?"

"Do what" he wondered reaching his arm around so he could run his fingers along Eden's jaw.

"How did we the most dysfunctional couple in history, make someone so absolutely perfect" I wondered making my husband chuckle.

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