I Call Dibs

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The soft fluffy towel wrapped snugly around my body as I towel dried my dark brown locks with another and browsed around my closet for something to wear for today's excursion. Meanwhile Elijah stood patiently waiting by my closet door waiting to speak with me.

"To bright, too many stripes, too last season" I sighed, struggling to find an outfit, I really needed to go shopping like right away. I guess the few months I spent on a constant blood and alcohol bender had really made my closet suffer, I couldn't believe how far behind I was on the latest trends.

"Elijah I know your more of a suit man, but I'm seriously lacking in female company right now and Nik will just tell me I look good in anything so you dear brother are my last resort. Now which one?" I asked holding up two dresses.

"Either will be fine little one" he sighed looking slightly irritated, and I knew why.

"Elijah please" I pouted.

"The black one".

"Which black one?" I asked confused with a raised brow.

"Both are the same Thyra, so will you please put one on I need to speak with you" he spoke in an exasperated tone.

"Firstly, this is a black Gucci with three-quarter length sleeves and a V-neckline, while this is a black Prada with cap sleeves and a scoop neckline, both very different Elijah. Secondly just say what you need to say because I'm not feeling either of these dresses anymore" I huffed looking through the racks of clothing again.

"I'm worried" he stated making me roll my eyes as I grabbed a pair jean shorts from one my closet shelves.

"I haven't disappeared in days Elijah, I've come home slept in bed with my husband every night, no blackout benders, no slaughters. I've been borderline boring so what could you possibly be worried about now" I snapped turning around to face the overbearing vampire.

"The dead bodies in the courtyard don't count as slaughter then?"

"Nik took me out for date night" I shrugged barging past Elijah with a hand full of clothing.

"Do tell little one".

"Drinks, dinner, dancing the usual" I smiled, motioning for him to turn around so I could change.

"That was a slaughter not dinner little one".

"You're getting all judgy Elijah I don't like it, where vampires remember taking lives is what we do" I snapped as I finished dressing.

"Little one...".

"Don't little one me Elijah Mikaelson, those poor dead people you're referring to are the witches who tried to kill my daughter and they almost succeeded, so don't preach at me about right and wrong, you sound like Finn and I don't like it" I spat, spinning him around to face me.

"And your acting like Kol" he shot back.

"Rather be fun-loving Kol than a judgy bore like Finn".

"Just please think of Eden" he pleaded.

"I am thinking of her, everything I do now is so I can bring her back and hold her in my arms again, sooner rather than later. The less witches around when she does come home, the better in my opinion. Now if you'll excuse me, Nik and I have plans that will help us bring our daughter home" I glared as I sat down at my dressing table to do my make-up.

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