Devil of a Deal

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I want to start by saying goodbye to The Originals you have lit up my screen and my had my mind lighting up with ideas for the last few years, I can't believe it's over I'm not going to lie I legit sobbed at the ending and before you say anything no I didn't like the ending it was final but not final at the same time, personally I thought The Vampire Diaries did a much better job, but instead of focusing on an ending I disliked I'm focusing on the amazing series it was, I'll miss the Mikaelsons my program schedule will never be the same nor will my life (dramatic much) #GOODBYETO its been one hell of a ride.


First, my hearing came, making me aware of my surroundings, I heard a sweet humming coming from somewhere in the room, it was haunting yet soothing.

My eye-lids twitched yet I was unable to open them, it felt like they were being held down by lead balloons, my body was stiff and heavy making me feel like I was made of stone.

I felt my lungs repair and I took a deep breath in as the stiffness began to fall away, which then drew attention to the dryness of my throat, what I wouldn't give for a pulsing vein right about now.

Why was I so hungry?

I finally gathered the strength to open my eyes only to confuse myself even more, I looked around from my horizontal position not recognizing where I was.

There was a grand chandelier above me, the walls from what I could see were a deep purple with intricate gold designs.

I grabbed the corners of my coffin and pulled myself into a sitting position, wait a minute coffin!

I hopped out of the silk bed of the casket furring my brow, gasping as it all came back to me.





And finally, the dagger my husband stuck through my heart.

"Niklaus" I hissed aloud.

I looked around the room for anything or anyone familiar, from the grand gold, gilded bed, and nineteenth-century French style furniture, and mini bar in the corner of the room I guessed I was in some four-star hotel somewhere.

"I'm going to kill them all" I ground out through gritted teeth, as I thought about my treacherous family.

How I didn't know yet, but first things first I had to figure out where I was, I walked to the curtained window but before I could pull the drapes someone spoke.

"Not just yet" an unfamiliar voice spoke, making me whirl around and face it.

"Who the hell are you" I demanded, looking at the strange woman.

"Why Dalilah of course" she replied smiling at me, yet her grin looked anything but friendly.

She was beautiful, in a dangerous sort of way, with her long raven colored hair, full lips, and eyes the shade of midnight.

Dahlia was long dead, wasn't she?

"Last time I checked you were just a scary story" I spoke watching her every move as she approached me.

"If my existence was just a mere tale how would I be able to release you?" she smirked holding up the silver dagger that had been lodged in my heart.

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