Your Fault

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We stood in Lenore's shop face to face with Esther who had just inhabited the older witches body. Elijah, Nik and I had rushed here after Arielle had called us, the wolf had left as soon as we entered the building.

Elijah and I stood either side of Nik as he and Esther shouted at one another. Lightbulbs exploded and the room started to shake as Esther became angrier.

"Thyra, I am sorry I truly am" Esther spoke looking at me with pitying eyes.

"You've said that already" I glared.

"I know what losing a child can do to a mother, I know your pain child, I carry it with me every day just like you" she sympathised.

"You don't know a thing about me you never did" I snarled.

"I know that a thousand years ago, I saw to it that you became part of our family. I saw how close you were to Kol and Rebekah and knew that I wanted you to become part of our family. I had planned to have you marry Kol at first, but Niklaus he needed someone strong and brave like you, I knew Tatiana was ill suited for him so I chose you instead, and I was right you belong together" she explained.

"Don't you dare say her name" I spat, how dare she use my sisters name.

"So, what if you are the reason Nik and I are married. We, Nik and I fell in love all on our own, so don't you dare take credit for who we are and how we got here" I roared.

"But wouldn't you like to start again?" she questioned

"What are you talking about?"

"You could go back to the beginning, start again you and Nik together" she spoke continuing with her riddle.

"Enough!" Nik intervened, sensing my rising temper.

"Ask Arielle to share with you my loving proposition" Esther replied never taking her eyes from mine.

"You're a fool if you think we'll accept anything that you offer!" Nik roared.

"Oh, you are wrong, Niklaus! There will come a time, my darlings, that you will beg for it!"

Then the glass from the windows behind her shatters inward, Nik, Elijah and I raise our arms over their faces to shield us from the debris. While Esther lifts her arms over her head as hundreds of starlings burst their way through the windows and descend upon the store, then she was gone.

I gasped as my eyes flew open, abruptly sitting up in my king-sized bed. The dream or rather memory had been floating through my mind ever since it happened.

Esther apparently didn't want to kill us, no she wanted to change us. She wanted to put Elijah, Nik Rebekah and I in new bodies, like she did with Finn and Kol. She wanted to fix the mistake she made a thousand years ago, when she changed us into vampires.

I would be lying if I didn't say her offer wasn't tempting, I mean a fresh start as a human, most vampires would die for a chance like this but unlike other vampires I could would let this opportunity pass me by. I had a thousand years to come to terms with what I am, like my husband I loved the power that came from being one of the strongest immortals on earth.

I knew Nik would never take Esther's deal, and I could never live without my Niklaus, we had spent a millennia, together and I was looking forward to spending the next one with him and our daughter, that was my only dream.

Now all we had to do was kill Esther, Mikael and Finn easy enough. Kol on the other-had well he would have to be punished, nobody betrayed Thyra Mikaelson and got away with it, especially my best-friend.

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