Mother's Affection

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I watched as Nik tortured the witch it was going on hour three and besides Nik ruing his outfit along with the parlour decor we were getting nowhere, so I simply rolled my eyes, sped forward and snapped her neck.

"Why on earth did you kill her" Nik shouted.

"It was obvious you weren't getting anywhere, we know Esther has Elijah where she has him is what we need to know. The only people who would know that, is Finn and maybe her guard dogs, I hardly think she'd tell a bunch of original hating witches where she's keeping him" I explained.

I waited for his comeback but was met with nothing, he knew I was right.

He sighed and stormed from the room through the double doors, into the study as I followed behind, there we were met with Arielle.

"No luck then?" she questioned.

"What do you think" I huffed pouring myself a drink from the drinks tray across the room.

"So, what now?" she asked.

"I suspected my mother had Elijah captive" Nik replied, making me roll my eyes, I told him that hours ago.

"Now all we have to do is find them" I spoke grabbing my jacket from the sofa.

"Esther is too powerful. She won't be easily found. I need to draw her out" Nik spoke shaking his head, as he walked back into the room where the dead witch was.

"Wait, where are you going?" I snap slamming my glass down on the table, striding towards him.

"I'm going to change my shirt, and then I'm going to find my brother, unless you'd like to help me clean-up" he winked making me scoff.

"I'm coming with you, to find him" I replied ignoring his innuendo.

"I know you want to help, Thyra, but you can't. You know what Esther is like. She will target you to thwart me, and I can't very well save Elijah if I'm busy saving you, can I?" he smirked.

"And who the hell said I need saving" I shouted, glaring at him.

"May I remind you that you were kidnapped by Mikael".

"Only because you didn't kill him in the first place" I remined him.

"And you also pointed out that everything that has happened to you is my fault, I wouldn't want to add anything to that list angel" he smiled falsely before leaving the room.

"Is fighting you guy's foreplay or something?" Arielle wondered.

"You could say that" I sighed sitting down, I couldn't believe I was being left behind.

"Well I hate to leave you alone but ..."

"And where the bloody hell are you going" I demanded.

"To find my alpha" I knew she was talking about Jackson the fiancée she hadn't seen in weeks.

"Only a while ago you thought he was dead" I stated, I wasn't being cruel, it was the truth.

"I got a tip that he's deep in the bayou, I'm going to find him then were going to save Oliver and break the spell Esther has on my pack" she explained.

"I was wondering why you were suddenly so happy" I smiled.

She didn't reply simply winked in my direction before leaving the room.


It had been hours since I was left to myself in the compound and I was going stir crazy, nobody was answering their phones, Nik, Marcel even Arielle.

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