Doing it Solo

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I walked through the compound the lights were off and the candles were blown out, the residents were all at rest as I crept up to the stairs into the parlour, there lay a coffin the occupant desiccated with a golden dagger sticking out of his chest.

I stood beside the coffin and ran my hand down his chalky skin looking at his form with indifference.

"How does it feel my love" I whispered.

"To be betrayed by the ones you love, to be lost in a black nothingness, powerless and weak, exactly how you made me" I sneered in his face.

"Goodbye my love, enjoy rotting" I spoke kissing his forehead my lips lingering for a moment before I disappeared.

I kept my hood up avoiding everyone's gaze, as I sped to the penthouse I had been held up in for the past two weeks' hoping that the big bad witch didn't notice my disappearance.

I got off the elevator using my key-card to gain entrance, the room was lit up by a single lamp situated on a table beside an occupied armchair.

"Did you enjoy your little outing?" Dahlia questioned sitting up from the velvet covered chair.

"I did actually" I smiled taking my large coat off and hanging it up.

"You are supposed to remain unseen" she seethed standing up and walking towards me.

"Relax aunt D, nobody saw me besides I couldn't pass up an opportunity to see my adoring husband in such a state" I smirked, walking towards the drinks tray and pouring myself a whiskey.

"We need to stick to our plan" she glared impatiently.

"It's been day's I'm growing weary" I sighed drinking the amber liquid.

It had been two weeks since Dahlia had un-daggered me and we had made an alliance My daughter was still being kept from my reach, my tolerance for Dahlia and her plans were wearing thin. My hands itched to touch Eden, I smelled her scent in my mind and dreamed of her face every night.

In the two week's I had been awakened Dahlia had made herself known to my family, she had faced Mikael, Elijah, and Nik and came back without a scratch, taking their only weapon like stealing candy from a baby.

She had come face to face with Katherina at the safe house or Saint James's as it was known, the place had been spelled to render anyone useless that wanted to do harm within its walls, meaning she was unable to get Eden.

"Patience, Thyra" she calmly replied.

It was easy for the all-powerful witch to say she hadn't been kept in a hotel room going stir-crazy for days on end with nothing but hostile and sorrow filled thoughts to keep me company.

"Patience! I haven't seen my child in months" I glared.

"Eden will be back in your arms soon enough where she will remain, but before she is returned to the bosom of her mother we have to follow the necessary steps to retrieve her, which means dealing with that treacherous family of yours".

"So, what's the next stage of the plan," I asked finishing off my drink.

"Right now, your niece Katherina is fleeing the city through the bayou with her daughter Nadia, Eden and an army of wolves. They are trying to get Eden safely away from myself and Niklaus the latter whom as you have witnessed is indisposed with a dagger in his heart. Meanwhile, your siblings along with Freya are working on a plan to end me which I know for a fact will fail" she explained making my blood boil.

"We have to stop Kat!"

"And we will but first we have to put our plan in motion".

"Do we have to use him" I wined in distaste.

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