Dragged Fifty Miles

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"Slow down, I'm in heels if you haven't noticed" I snapped as Mikael dragged me through the woods, I didn't know where we were going, I just hoped that Klaus would figure out where I was sooner rather than later.

I had never been scared, of anyone I was an original after all, but Mikael was a different story, I wasn't afraid to admit that I was extremely frightened of my father in-law. After all I, had lost count of how many times Mikael had tried in kill me over the last millennia. For someone who hated Niklaus they were extremely similar, both quick to anger and unpredictable, mowing over anyone in their path to get what they wanted.

Even though I was afraid, I wouldn't show fear so instead I used my usual quick wit and sarcastic remarks.

"Nik will find us he and Elijah are properly making a plan as we speak, I mean unlike you your family actually likes me" I quipped.

"That's what I'm counting on Thyra" he spoke his cold tine sending shivers down my spine.

"You know even though I hate you, I have to admit I'm impressed, I've seen the kind of pain that blade causes, so how in the hell are you still standing?" I questioned.

"I have fought more pain than anyone, living or dead. But, once I feed, I shall be restored" he answered, as he clutches Papa Tunde's blade in one hand while the white oak stake was attached to his back by a string.

I didn't like the sound of that what if he used the blade on me or worse the stake, I wasn't willing to take that chance, the thought terrified me, so I tried and failed to break free, but he kept my arm in his death grip.

Our earlier battle had used up my strength, Mikael had stabbed me in, the stomach, leg and neck with fallen tree branches making me loose way too much blood, I barely had time to heal before he was dragging me to a new destination.

"You, my dear, are leverage. Once I threaten to kill you with the white oak stake, Klaus will hesitate. And, in that moment of weakness, I shall end him, just do as you are told and I won't have to use this sooner than anticipated" Mikael threatened holding the stake to my neck making me shake.

"This is crazy! You won't win Mikael you never do, this obsession with killing my husband is getting really old, don't you think it's about time you get a new hobby old man?" I tried to sound confident but my voice shook halfway through my speech, could you blame me I mean he had one weapon that could cause me unimaginable pain and another that could end my existence.

"Hush! You are the enabler of the weak! No wonder he has kept you by his side for so long" he spat, I gulped my heart racing as I tried to figure out a way to get away from this monster.

"I hear music. And, where there's music, there's food" Mikael smirked dragging me farther through the woods, we came upon a group of several dozen people, all of whom wer wearing various Halloween masks and partying around a large bonfire. Mikael grabs me by the head and forces her to look at them.

"Well, well, well, well... What have we here? Hillbilly Halloween. Oh, perfect" he chuckled darkly dragging me towards the partying humans.

We walked around the bonfire unnoticed by the drunken teenagers, Mikael grabbed one of them by the neck and brought him inches from us I waited for him to feed instead he compelled him.

He compelled them to give a message to Niklaus something about being weak, I didn't listen I was too preoccupied with my escape plan, I decided to play the perfect hostage praying that Mikael would loosen his grip somehow.

He had compelled just about half of the party when I decided to ask the obvious question.

"I thought we were here so you could feed not play games" I spoke.

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