Petrova Darling

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One Month Later

"We said navy, not royal blue" I shouted as the interior designer I had hired tried to put some ugly chair that didn't go with my décor into my living room.

"I'm sorry miss Petrova, but I really think ..."

"Let me stop you there we agreed on navy, you raved about this navy armchair that would tie the whole room together. Yet all I see is a royal blue fuzzy, muppet, looking chair that belongs in a room with shag carpet" I huffed.

"I know your cousin is some up and coming designer, but I don't want her awful designs in my home. So, stop trying to sneak them in" I berated.

"Sorry miss Petrova".

"Just get the chair we agreed on Aimee and remove this monstrosity from my home" I sighed. She nodded and quickly disappeared from my view.

"Redecorating isn't all its cracked up to be huh?" Marcel laughed coming into the room with Eden in his arms, I grinned at the sight before taking her from him bouncing her up in and down in my arms.

"Thank god this is the last room, then this three-week nightmare can be over".

"On the bright side the place look's good" he smiled.

"Yes, I wanted a homey yet stylish vibe".

"I have no idea what that means" Marcel laughed.

"Apparently neither does my designer half of the time, I would love to snap her neck but ..."

"Ah the house rules, explain them to me again" he mocked, making me glare playfully at him.

I had moved into mine and Eden's new home a month ago and for the last three week's it had been going through an extensive re-decorating.

The house was a lovely four-bedroom, two-story traditional family home, with a wrap around porch and balcony's off two of the bedrooms, it had a big garden and patio, with a two-car garage.

It was sweet and simple and a good driving distance from the chaos of the quarter. Although it wasn't nearly as ostentatious as the home's I was used to, I loved the normality of it, it was a good place to raise a child.

I had two rules in my new home, no eating and no killing people on the property, I wanted mine and Eden's life to be as normal and uncomplicated as possible.

"Look's like Freya's here" Marcel spoke breaking me from my thought's.

"Right on time, will you grab Eden's bag from her room, Marcellus?" I asked as I went to answer the door, he nodded and went off upstairs.

"Freya, come in" I smiled.

She stepped inside looking around her eyes' zeroing in on the gaudy chair in the living room.

"Nice chair?"

"Don't ask" I replied kissing my teeth, to which she nodded.

"Marcel is just grabbing her things, she's been teething lately, so I packed some gel and a teething ring make sure she has it going to sleep or she will scream bloody murder. Also, please re-pack the pink wolf, I had a horrible experience trying to settle her last time" I explained.

"No problem Thyra" she smiled making funny faces at Eden.

"Okay my little wildflower it's time to go see dada" I cooed kissing Eden before handing her over to her aunt.

"Got it" Marcel spoke handing the shoulder bag to Freya.

"Goodbye Eden, I love you" I whispered kissing her once more before Freya took her to Niklaus, it was his weekend.

I watched Freya strap Eden into her car-seat before driving off back to the compound, which I hadn't stepped foot in since I packed my things and left.

It had been thirty days everything changed.

I had walked away from the Mikaelsons and their name.

I'd divorced a man I had been I had been with for over a thousand years.

The moment Niklaus signed the divorce papers and custody agreement was the moment my new life began.

I hadn't set eyes on Elijah or Rebekah since that day in the compound, Marcel told me Bekah left town the next day, but honestly, I really didn't care what either of them was up to.

Freya had become mine and Nik's go-between she would collect Eden from my home then bring her to Nik then back to me. She was the only Mikealson I would tolerate.

I had spoken to Niklaus several times in the last month all conversations revolved around our daughter and her welfare and they would remain that way, I wanted no part in his life and the drama and destruction that came with it.

Mine and Marcellus's relationship was, on the mend. We had dinner at least once a week for quality Mother, Son time. We were on our way to being as close as we once were and I was grateful for the chance to make up for lost time.

Finally, for the first time in my life, I could honestly say I was truly happy and content and I would do everything in my power to keep it that way.

This was a life of my own choosing, one I was meant to have Thyra Mikealson may be dead but Thyra Petrova was now very much alive.

Always and forever could go screw itself.











So, the fourth installment of The Original sire now up. Check it out on my page.

Thyra is free and starting a new life but how long will it last? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought it's short I know but well it's an epilogue, anyway I wanted to give you a little sneak peak of what life will be like for Thyra in the next book, but again will it last??

Hope you enjoyed The Original Enemy.

Gif of Thyra above.


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