Welcome to Hell

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"You know Klaus is going to go crazy when finds out what you're doing" Marcel smirked from his spot on the leather armchair in his airy loft.

"Lucky for us I don't care".

"He's right, Klaus will be pissed about whatever it is your planning and I'm the one who has to listen to you two argue" Arielle spoke as she walked into the loft with another werewolf.

"Does everyone seem to forget I am an original, I can handle myself and Niklaus I've been doing it for over a thousand years" I told them getting really annoyed with people treating me like a porcelain doll, they had been doing it since everyone was told that my daughter had died.

"Just tell us why we're here" Arielle sighed.

"Simple were going to take down Finn, meaning you and your alpha will get your wolves back. Speaking of Jackson, where is he?" I questioned.

"He's mourning" she replied stiffly, must be trouble in paradise.

"This is Aiden leader of Finn's wolves slash double agent" she introduced.

"Thyra Mikealson, pleasure" I purred with a predatory smile, making him gulp with intimidation.

"You too" he stuttered.

"Now who wants to take down some original witches" I smirked.

"Witches as in plural?" Arielle questioned.

"Yes, I plan to have a reunion of sorts, all the Mikealson brothers back together".

"Mom, we don't even know where Kol is".

I placed my index finger up to shush him as I took out my phone reading the text that I had just received.

"Actually, I do he and Davina are already on their way back to New Orleans" I informed the group.


"Unlike my husband who loves to screw-over the supernatural, I actually, made friends with some covens over the decades, and encase you've forgotten there are witches outside of New Orleans. I called in a favour to an old coven to track Kol" I shrugged.

Although I had met Kol in his new form many times, I wasn't aware that the annoying boy Kaleb was my best-friend Kol. Although when I thought about it the similarities in personalities should have given me a clue.

After Mikael had kidnapped me and brought me to that awful warehouse where he had nearly killed me and Nik, I found out from Marcel that Kol and Davina had used their magic to stop the white-oak-stake from killing my husband. Then before I could confront Kaleb or Kol he and Davina had high-tailed it out of there.

I hadn't really had time to dwell on the fact that Kol had been interacting with me this whole time and didn't even reveal himself to me, I had been preoccupied with getting Elijah back from Esther's clutches and now that Elijah was safe, I was pissed to say the least.

I understood Kol staying hidden from Niklaus and Elijah but I was his best-friend and had been since we were children, I had always been on his side fighting his battles against his siblings even when he was wrong.

Kol knew how much I missed and mourned him, he knew how much I despised his mother he had held me when I cried over Tatia and my unborn child, that I had lost because of her and he took her side, he didn't even give me a heads up.

Kol Mikealson my best-friend had betrayed me and he was going to regret it.

"So how are we going to take down Finn and Kol?" Arielle questioned.

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