Blonde Corpse

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"Are you done sulking?" I questioned as he walked into our bedroom.

"How could you?" he whispered, making me whirl around and glare at him.

"How could I? How could you? You knew how I felt about that woman, yet you brought her here were our daughter is when there are a million other places you could have put her to keep her out of Finn's reach, and mine".

"You killed her out of your own petty jealousness" he sneered.

"Yes, I did" I smirked as he looked at me with and unbelievable expression.

"I warned you and that now rotting corpse that I would kill her if she didn't stay away, neither of you listened so I followed through on my threat, you not only royally pissed me off today, but you put Eden's life in danger..."

"Camille wouldn't have said anything, and you know it Thyra".

"It's not hard to break a human or get into their mind Nik, you and I both know that. You brought her here because you fancied her and because she filled you with all that how to be a good man crap".

"You went too far angel, Marcellus won't be happy" he shot at me refusing to admit I was right.

"Marcel knows I don't do empty threats, blondies death was inevitable" I shrugged, as I walked towards him stopping a few inches away from him.

"You told me to forgive Kol because it was messing with my head, distracting me. Well the corpse was your distraction and I took care of it, see she filled your mind with moral dilemmas which was proven when you didn't kill Mikael. You let her get inside your head and make you weak, I bet the poor soul thought she was healing you from your monstrous way's, but she didn't know you" I cooed as I lifted my hand and stroked his cheek making him flinch slightly.

"I know you Nik, I know the scared little boy who just wants to be loved and accepted, the man who creates works of art and ends lives with the flick of his wrist who would do anything to protect his family, the monster lurking underneath the surface ready to cause mayhem and the lover who has and always will be mine" I whispered kissing his cheek and walking towards the door.

"Your right Nik, I should forgive Kol he always hated you best and I missed that" I quipped.

"I won't forgive you for this Thyra".

"The question isn't if you'll forgive me Nik, it's how will I punish you for your little indiscretion?" I smirked standing in the doorway.

"Killing Cami wasn't punishment enough?" he snapped angrily.

"No Nik it wasn't, that was for my pleasure" I snapped slamming the bedroom door behind me, hearing objects smash as I walked downstairs.

"So, he's taking the death of the pretty bartender well" Kat smirked as I entered the Livingroom.

"How can you tell?" I remarked sarcastically taking Eden from her arms and kissing her chubby cheek.

"You know I'm surprised you it took you this long to get rid of her" Kat called as I made my way to the kitchen to feed Eden.

"Truthfully I didn't realise how infatuated he was until he brought her to meet Eden" I sighed shifting Eden in my arms and sitting on a high-stool feeding her the warm bottle Kat had left to cool on the counter.

"Yeah bringing your new lady to meet your old lady is a big no-no".

"I am not old, like a good wine I just get better with age" I grinned.

"You and me both" Kat agreed making me laugh.

A while later we were all (minus Nik who was still sulking) seated discussing our next move.

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