Knight Bus to Leaky Cauldron

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Luci's POV

It was the last night of my Aunts stay and I have been wearing girly clothes all week. Right now I wore a blue dress with my hair in a pony tail. Mum hoped I'd continue to wear girly clothes after this. But I wasn't unless it was a special occasion like Christmas.

I was helping Harry in the kitchen as my Aunt talked about his parents. Harry was getting angry and so was I. Especially when she called my Uncle a drunk and I made her glass break. However, my parents thought it was Harry's doing. My Dad told him to go to bed, but my Aunt made him clean up the mess.

He came back into the kitchen area and she started to talk about his Mum my Aunt Lily. This time Harry and I lost it. We watched as she started to blow up like a balloon. I gave him a nod and ran upstairs to get our stuff.

I went to my side of the room first to change into comfy clothes. Once I was done I grabbed my back pack and duffle bag. Before going to Harry's side to get his packed trunk, wand and Hedwig's empty cage.

Hedwig wasn't here as she was delivering a letter for Harry. I grabbed his wand and his trunk along Hedwig's empty cage. He met me at the top of the stairs and took his things.

I followed him downstairs where my Dad yelled at him to bring my Aunt back. "She deserved want she got" I snarled from beside Harry. It was the first time Dad noticed I was there and had packed bags.

"Where do you think you are going young lady?" he asked me.

"To be with someone who accepts me for who I am" I said looking at Harry. He gave me a nod and I turned back to my Dad. "I am a witch and proud of it" I told him with my head held high. My family was to stunned to stop us as we left the house. They didn't come after us and Harry had us stop near the playground. I sat on the swing while he tried to think of what to do next.

Suddenly big dog was looking at us from across the street. Harry raised his wand whilst I hide behind him. There was a loud bang and Harry & I were knocked over. " Welcome to the Knight Bus, emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. My name is Stan Shunpike and I will be your conductor this evening" a guy in a purple uniform introduced himself.

Harry helped me up Stan asked why we were on the floor. But Harry didn't answer and looked to see if the dog was still here. However, it wasn't and Stan helped Harry with his trunk while Harry took one of my bags. Stan told the driver to take it away and so did a shrunken head.

The sudden movement made Harry and I fall onto the bed behind us. "What did you say your names are?" Stan asked.

"We didn't" I told him while holding Harry's arm. Stan then asked where we were going. Harry told him the Leaky Cauldron in London. He then looked at a wizard newspaper with a picture of a guy on it.

"Who is that man?" Harry asked pointing at the newspaper.

"Who is that? That is Sirius Black the escaped murderer and got locked up in Azkaban. His a supporter of you-know-who. Recon you've heard of him" Stan explained.

"Yes him we've heard of" Harry and I said together. When we got there Stan helped us with our bags and a man was waiting for us. Harry said his name was Tom and he the care taker/owner of the pub.


Picture of Luci in her outfit above

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