New Roommates

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Luci's POV

The next morning we went back to the Burrow and I returned with Hermione to her house. Where Moony was waiting for me and took me home straight away. I thanked both families for having me. "Tell me what happened" Moony said when we got back to the living room.

So I did I told him about collecting Harry and my family. Then told him about the game and party afterwards. I then told him about the attack and about hiding in the forest. I left out the bit about Malfoy. He then pulled me into a tight hug "I thought I'd lost you" he whispered.

"You'll never lose me Moony" I promised him as I hugged him back. We then let go and things went back to normal. During the full moon we were in the basement together. And now it was time to return to Hogwarts. He dropped me off at the station and left me there.

Moony had a job interview so he couldn't wait until the train left. I found the Weasleys and Harry near the train. And joined them as they said their goodbyes. I then got onto the train with the others as we waved goodbye.

When we got to Hogsmeade station I joined Hermione, Harry and Ron on their carriage. We sat in silence as it pulled itself up the road to the castle. Once there we went to the great hall and sat at the Gryffindor table. The first years were sorted into their houses, had dinner and Dumbledore stood up to give a speech.

Fred and George yelled in protest when Dumbledore said there would be no Quidditch this year. But cheered up when he said Hogwarts would be hosting the Triwizard Tournament. However, he said only these seventeen or older could put their name in for the tournament. Before we left he told us the other schools would arrive the day before Halloween with their head masters.

On the way to Gryffindor tower the twins brain stormed ideas on how to enter the tournament with their friend Lee. Hermione and I warned them not to try, but they weren't listening to us. When we got to the common room Smokey jumped onto my shoulders purring. I followed Hermione and Ginny upstairs to the girls dorm rooms.

We found out we had new rooms and would be dorm room mates. There was letter on my bed and I read it aloud for them to hear.

"Dear Miss Dursley, Granger and Weasley,

Due to the events of last year I believed it would be best you shared a dorm together. As Miss Granger and Miss Weasley are the only girls who know about your fur little problem.  If there is any trouble feel free to talk to me or Professor McGonagall.

From Dumbledore"

The other two girls seemed happy with the idea and so was I. We went to our beds, Hermione's was closest to the bathroom ,then mine and Ginny's. We got changed into our pj's and said goodnight before falling asleep.

Lucinda DursleyWhere stories live. Discover now