The Twin's Joke Shop

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Luci's POV

I was so happy that the Weasleys all supported me and so does Charlie. Mrs Weasley had me send him a letter to explain my heritage. He replied straight away and he made me feel so cared for. Ginny keeps teasing me, because she found out I like him and I tease her about Dean. She hasn't told anyone and tries to tell me Charlie also likes me too. But I don't believe it, why would he like me that way. I told her I was just a little sister to him, but she just ignores it.

We finally got our Hogwarts letters today and will be going to Diagon Alley to get our school supplies. And we would also be going to the twin's joke shop for the first time. They know about my heritage and make me forget it by joking about it. Mrs Weasley scolds them because of it, but it makes me happy that we can joke about it.

Some of the Order members would be going with us for our protection. We got ministry cars and were driven to the Leaky Cauldron. Then we got all our school supplies before going to the joke shop which was amazing. I enjoyed watching the twins work and watched them announce some of their products.

They then came down into the shop part to mingle with their customers. First they came over to Harry and I as we looked at black powder. Fred told us how it worked and George said it was good if you need to make a quick get away. I then followed them to Ginny and Hermione who were looking at love potions.

The twins teased Ginny about dating Dean and she left to look at the pygmy puffs instead. I followed and was attracted to a purple pygmy puff. While Ginny seemed to like a pink one. She brought it, but I didn't buy the other one. Because I don't think Smokey would like it and I already have a pet. So Moony probably wouldn't want me to get a second one.

Ginny decided to name her new pygmy puff Arnold. I then went to look for the twins to see them talking to Ron on the stairs. Ron asked them how mush something was and they replied 'five galleons'. He then asked how much for him and they said 'five galleons'. Ron said he was their brother and the twins looked at each other smirking. When they turned back to Ron they said 'ten galleons' this time.

Then left him standing there and he then left with Harry & Hermione. I decided not to follow them and went to look at the pygmy puffs again. The purple one seemed to like me and I liked it as well. "It's ok Violet, I know you'll have a nice owner" I told it patting it's soft fur.

"You going to bye it?" two voices asked from behind me.

"No, I can't buy her Fred and George" I stated as I turned to face them.

"Why not?" Fred asked as he picked her up out of her cage.

"You already named her" George stated looking at me.

"I have a cat who would probably think she was a chew toy" I stated. "Also I have one pet, I don't think Moony would let me have an other. No matter how much I love magical creatures and animals in general" I explained. It was then time for me to leave with the others so I said goodbye to the twins and Violet.


Video of the joke shop above and a picture of Arnold above as well

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