New Home

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Luci's POV

It was the last day of school and they were leaving today. I knew I couldn't return to Privet Drive as I don't want to hurt my family. Harry doesn't know yet, but Dumbledore and McGonagall do. I was all packed and decided to go see Lupin.

I haven't seen him since that night and think his been avoiding me. When I got to his office I entered without knocking. To see all his things were packed "are you going somewhere?" I asked shutting the door.

He turned to look at me in surprise knocking some papers off his desk. "Luci, I wasn't expecting you" he stated. I saw the map open on his table and gave him a raised brow. "Ok I did, how are you feeling?" he asked changing the subject.

I looked at my right arm that was still bandaged. "Fine I guess, but I'm not returning to Privet Drive" I stated. He nodded his head in understanding looking guiltily at my arm. "It wasn't your fault, you had no control over him" I stated.

"I still feel trouble though" he said gloomily "I have never bitten someone before" he explained. "And now you won't return home and have no where to go" he stated.

"That's why I'm here Lupin" I stated looking into his eyes. He tilted his head in confusion at my statement. "I was wondering if you would consider taking me in?" I asked not looking him in the eye. "Your the only one I know that would understand what I'll now go through. And the only one I trust to help me" I stated.

Lupin sighed and pulled me into a comforting hug. "Of course you can come stay with me and you're right. I do understand what you are about to go through. I'll be there to help you every step of the way" he told me quietly. I hugged him back nodding my head into his chest.

He let go and continued to pack his stuff while I sat in his chair. Harry barged into the room and saw Lupin was packing. "You were fired" Harry stated in shock looking at Lupin.

"No, I resigned" Lupin told him ripping up some paper and chucking it into the fire. Harry tried to protest but Lupin cut him off saying. "Snape told his students of my condition and tomorrow when the owls come in. Parents won't want someone like me teaching their children" he stated.

I hanged my head as Harry suggested talking to Dumbledore. But Lupin said Dumbledore had already risked enough on his behalf. He then gave Harry the map back seeing his father (my uncle) would want him and I to have it. Harry put it in his pocket as Dumbledore entered the room.

"Your carriage is here" he told Lupin who nodded his head. I walked over to him and he hugged. He told me he'd met me at Kings Cross Station later. I nodded my head in understanding as he pulled away. Lupin grabbed his trunk and left with Dumbledore.

"Want was that about?" Harry asked referring to the hug.

"Lupin invited me to stay with him until after my first full moon" I told him. It wasn't lie, but neither was it the whole truth. He pulled me into a hug which I returned happily. I was glad him and the other two didn't ditched me. I haven't told Annie though afraid she'd turn on me.

"I'll miss you and I'd understand if you never returned to Privet Drive. But please stay in contact?" he asked. I nodded my head saying I would stay in contact. "I won't tell the Dursleys anything" he promised. We pulled away smiling at each other before leaving the office.

(Kings Cross)

Ron had got an owl on the rain from Sirius who'd sent Harry a letter using it. Ron had held it out to Crookshanks and Smokey asking if it was definitely an owl. They purred and he decided to keep it. Now we had arrived at the station and were saying goodbye to Ron.

Hermione had already left after finding her parents. So Harry and I were waiting with the Weasleys until I spotted Lupin. I hugged Harry goodbye before walking over to him. I stayed out of my family's line of view. Before we left I saw my family greet Harry.

Lucinda DursleyWhere stories live. Discover now