Hippogriff and Hagrid

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Luci's POV

It was the end of the first week of school and I decided to go see the hippogriffs. I told Harry I was going to the library to do homework. When I got to the paddock where hippogriffs were I bowed when they saw me. They bowed back and I climbed into the paddock. Hagrid wasn't here as he was still having breakfast in the great hall.

The grey hippogriff stepped forward away from the others and I bowed to it. It bowed back and I walked forward slowly with a hand out stretched. He walked forward when I stopped placing his beak in my hand. I stroked his beak before moving down to pat his neck. He seemed to love it as he cooed quietly. But I noticed he was tied to a rope.

He nudged me toward his back and I knew want he wanted me to do. "You want me to get on your back?" I asked any way to clarify. He nodded his head and I used a nearby log to climb on. Before I used my wand to untie the rope around his neck. Once I was secure on his back he started to run flapping hid wings. I wrapped my arms around his neck closing my eyes.

The next time I open my eyes I see we are flying around the castle. He then swopped down to the lake and flew over it. As the giant squid followed us and I laughed in joy. When he went to land I wrapped arms around his neck again. Once we were on the ground I fell off his back laughing happily.

The hippogriff nudged my shoulder with his head "I'm ok" I told it. I stood up slowly before turning to face him. "Thank for the flight and allowing me to pat you" I told it quietly stroking his neck.

"What are you doing in there?" a voice said behind me. I turned slowly to see Hagrid standing by the fence. I said goodbye to the hippogriff before walking over to Hagrid. "You are Harry's cousin?" he stated once I joined him on the other side of the fence.

I nodded my head as I picked up the book I borrowed from Harry. "That book belongs to Harry" Hagrid stated pointing at the book in my hands. I nodded my head again and he spoke "Harry said you could open it and wouldn't tell him how." I blushed nodding my head.

"Buckbeak seems to like you" he stated pointing to the hippogriff I had been riding.

"His the one Malfoy insulted?" I asked. Hagrid nodded his head before taking me back to his place. His dog met us and Hagrid said his name was Fang. Hagrid made us some tea and I asked him about what creatures he looked after. he seemed happy to have someone interested in his work.

"I wish I didn't have to wait two years before I can be in your class" I told him. He chuckled and asked when my frees were. "I have free Monday before lunch and during your second lesson with Harry's class during the week" I stated.

"You are welcome to come here and help me teach my class and ask me questions" he told me. I nodded my head happily before bidding him goodbye and heading back to the castle. I met Harry and his  in the great hall as it was lunch time.

Lucinda DursleyWhere stories live. Discover now