Potions Class

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Luci's POV

It was time for mine and Annie's first potions lesson with Slughorn. Harry told me how he won a lucky potion thanks to his new potion book. I had a look at it myself and saw some the new instructions the 'half-blood prince' had made. I took some notes on it with Harry's permission.

So I knew who ever the prince was he or she was a master at potion making. Annie sat next to me as Slughorn entered the room to begin the class. There were some cauldrons in front of his desk and he asked if anyone knew want was in each. I raised my hand "yes Miss Lupin" he said pointing to me.

"This one is a poison antidote" I told him pointing to the first potion. "This one is a draught of peace" I said pointing to the second one. "The last one is a strengthening solution" I finished pointing to  the final cauldron.

"Excellent 15 points to Gryffindor Miss Lupin" Slughorn said chuckling happily. "Now for the last 90 minutes I want you all to try and make a invigoration draught. I don't expect it to be perfect, but whoever does the best will win a prize" he told the class.

I opened the book to the right page and Annie did the same with her book. After I read the list of ingredients I lit the burner under my cauldron to preheat it while I got them. Adding my own spin on the instructions from want I remembered from Harry's potion book. By the end I made a perfect potion as Slughorn came to look at everyones potions.

"My word it's perfect" he said when he saw my potion. "Professor Snape said you were good at potions. But that is an understatement" he told me proudly. "We have a clear winner and how is your prize" he said taking a small bottle from his pocket handing it to me.

"Felix Felicis" I said in awe taking it from him.

"Enough for twelve hours luck use it wisely" he instructed. "No using it for tests or any sports just on an ordinary day" he told me. I nodded my head placing in my pocket then packed up all my potion supplies.

"You are so lucky" Annie told me as we went to our free period. "When are you going to use it?" she asked.

"When I need it most" I stated as I placed it in a safe place on Smokey's collar. "Guard this with your life ok Smokey" I instructed. He nodded his head before running off no doubt to play with Crookshanks.

"Why did you do that?" Annie asked confused.

"The second war will begin soon and I'll need all the luck I can get" I told her. "I trust Smokey to look after it until I need it" I said. We then went down to the lake to relax and do some home work we had been given. I didn't get any from potions as I made a perfect potion.

Lucinda DursleyWhere stories live. Discover now