Werewolf and the Bite

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Luci's POV

Gryffindor had won the Quidditch House Cup and Neville received detention. Against my wishes Black used the paper Crookshanks stole. And broke into Gryffindor Tower with a knife. I really wanted to go give him a good talking to. But it wasn't safe to do so.

Hagrid lost the case and Buckbeak was going to be executed at sunset. Harry, Hermione and Ron went to go see him. They wouldn't let me go with them. So I stayed behind and got bored.

I decided to go see Lupin as it was a full moon tonight. "Luci good to see you" he said when I walked into his office with Smokey. I saw he was looking at the map he took from Harry.

"I see you haven't turned it in" I stated watching Harry and the others enter Hagrid's hut.

"Why am not surprised you knew about want had happened" he chuckled. "You should have told me Harry had the map" he stated. But he didn't seem to mean it. We watched the map together in silence.

We watched them leave the hut but they weren't alone. There was someone else with them and Lupin gasped at the name. It was Peter Pettigrew. "So he was telling the truth" I stated thinking about Black.

Lupin wasn't paying me any attention and was concentrating on the map. When Black appeared and dragged two of them into the passage under the whopping willow. Lupin grabbed his wand and left after telling me to stay put.

I sat in his chair with my back to the door as Smokey sat in my lap. We must of dosed off, because we woke up the someone slamming the door shut behind us. I turned and looked at the map to see Snape had been the one to leave. But I also noticed the potion he'd left on the desk. Wolfs-bane potion met for Lupin as tonight was a full moon.

Smokey and I watched as Snape entered the passage under the whopping willow. I knew this wouldn't end well so I grabbed my wand and cloak. We ran through the castle Smokey showing me the shortest way to the willow. But by the time we got there it was to late.

The others had come out of the tunnel and Lupin had started to transform. I saw Sirius was already in his dog form after telling the others to ran. I also saw Snape unconscious on the ground. As a man turned into a rat and ran away. I knew Peter had escaped, but I had to protect my friends and family.

I ran to the group with Smokey on my heels. Lupin had fully transformed and was about to attack. He had already knocked Sirius out of the way. "Ha leave them alone!" I yelled ramming into his side. Not the best idea in the world to fight a werewolf with your bare hands.

Harry yelled telling me to move away from Lupin. But it was to late. As he grabbed my arm with his teeth and bit down heard. I heard a crack as I screamed in pain. Crookshanks and Smokey lept onto his back clawing him.  Making let go of me as Sirius attacked him again.

Crookshanks and Smokey got in front of me protectively. I don't know want happened next as I had passed out. The last thing I remember was Hermione standing over me as Harry ran after Black and Lupin.

Lucinda DursleyWhere stories live. Discover now