Quidditch Cup and Attack

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Luci's POV

Hermione and I reached the Weasley's house the next morning before dawn. I went upstairs to wake Harry and Ron while she woke the twins. Ginny and Mr Weasley were already awake having breakfast. Harry jumped when he saw me and put his glasses on "when did you get here?" he asked.

"Just now with Hermione now get up" I told them. Ron turned his back to me trying to go back to sleep. "Wake up Ronald, your Mum has breakfast ready" I told him sternly. Then left the room to see Hermione and the twins leave their (twins) room.

After breakfast we followed Mr Weasley out of the house with our back packs. He lead us up the hill when an other man joined us. Then Cedric Diggory jumped down from a tree and shook Mr Weasley's hand. We were all introduced before we followed the adults up the hill.

Then we searched for the port key which turned out to be an old boot. I placed my finger on like the others did. The there was jerk around my naval and we were spinning in the air. "Let go" Mr Weasley told us and we did.

While the others fell to the ground unceremoniously I landed gracefully on my feet with Mr Weasley, Mr Diggory and Cedric. I helped the girls up, while Cedric helped Harry up and Mr Weasley helped his sons up. We then followed the adults to the camp site, until we went our separate ways.

Hermione, Harry and I helped set up the two tents with Mr Weasley. Then we (Ron, Hermione, Harry and I) went to get some water leaving the others at the camp site to start a fire. We met some fellow students from Hogwarts along the way.

But when we got back to the camp site the fire wasn't ready yet. Mr Weasley was enjoying himself playing with the matches. I took them from him and Hermione helped me make the fire. Percy, Bill and Charlie arrived when lunch was ready with some tea.

While we ate Ludo came over and the twins placed a bet on the game. Saying Ireland would win, but Krum would catch the snitch. Then Crouch came over and had tea with us discussing ministry business with Mr Weasley and Ludo.  Once they left we headed towards the gift shops on the way to the field.

We all brought a few things and went up to the stadium. We met Malfoy and his Father on the way. For some reason Malfoy wouldn't stop looking at me. The game was amazing and the twins won their bet. Now we were back at the tent celebrating and the twins teasing Ron about having a crush on Krum. Ginny, Harry and I joined in singing along with their song laughing.

Then we heard screams outside and we thought it was the Irish celebrating their win. But it wasn't there were guys in black robes and masks acting the muggles. I am so scared as I ran with the twins and Ginny into the forest. However, I tripped along the way and they didn't notice.

I got up and dusted myself off grabbing my wand. "Fred, George, Ginny where are you?!" I yelled into the forest. But no one answered me and I was alone. I was beginning to regret leaving Smokey back at Hermione's place.

"Well well well look at what I've found" a cool voice sneered behind me. I turned to see Malfoy step out of the shadows alone. "Now what are you doing here? All alone Lucinda" he asked while leaning against a tree.

"Leave me alone Malfoy or I'll hex you" I told him wand raised.

"Relax I mean no harm" he stated raising his hands in surrender. Suddenly a skull with a snake coming out of it's mouth appeared in the sky. "Time we parted, I'll see you back at school" he told me disappearing into the forest. I was alone again.

"Luci, where are you?!" I heard Bill and Charlie call through the forest. I shot red sparks into the air and they appeared in front of me straight away. I run into Charlie's arms asking where the others were.

"Their fine and back at camp Harry is worried about you though" Bill told me. I nodded my head pulling away from Charlie and hugged Bill next. "Lets head back shall we?" he asked when we pulled away. I nodded my head and they lead me back to camp.

When Harry spotted me he pulled me into a bone crushing hug. Then he let go, Hermione and Ginny took his place. Mr Weasley said we would head back tomorrow at first light. I went back with the girls to our section of the tent. Where I fell into restless sleep thinking why Draco Malfoy acted friendly almost.

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