Train Ride and Dementor

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Luci's POV

It was September first and the others were running around making sure everything was packed. I did that last night and quick check this morning before breakfast. The Ministry was sending cars for us to use as transportation. I got in one with Mr Weasley, Harry, Ron and Hermione. Mrs Weasley was in the other car with Ginny, Percy and the twins Fred & George.

We got to the station and ministry people helped get trolleys for our luggage. Smokey was in a cat carrier and wasn't pleased. Neither was Hermione's cat Crookshanks and we promised both of them to let them out on the train. Much to Ron's disapproval as Crookshanks always seemed to want to attack his rat Scabbers.

After saying goodbye to Mr and Mrs Weasley we got onto the train. Mr Weasley pulled Harry to the side before got on though. I knew it would be about Sirius Black being after him. He got on the train as it left the station with Ron's help.

Hermione found a compartment with a man in it sleeping. We went inside as everywhere else is full. Harry was telling them about Sirius Black while I read my transfiguration book. Smokey was curled up on my lap and Crookshanks on Hermione's.  Scabbers was in Ron's pocket.

Then the boys played wizards chess while Hermione helped me practice a few charms. When everything white dark and cold. I was scared because Hermione said we shouldn't be there yet. Both our cats were hissing as something entered the window.

Suddenly the door started to open on its own. And a skeletal hand appeared pushing it open all the way. The tall dark figure looked around the room. Before focusing on Harry and seemed to start draining him of energy. I was pushed behind someone and there was a bright light.

"None of us is hiding Sirius Black under our cloaks" said a man's voice and the figure left.  The man then checked on Harry who had fainted. Hermione gave me hug as Smokey jumped onto my shoulders.

When Harry came around Hermione gave him back his glasses.  As the man Mr Lupin broke a bar of chocolate. He gave us all a piece before going to see the driver. After we finished our chocolate Hermione and I went to change into our robes.

Once we got back to the compartment the boys had already changed into their robes. We put the cats back into their carriers. As we pulled into the station and left our luggage behind. I heard a booming voice calling fr first years.

The trio lead the way through the crowd to a giant man. "Hagrid nice to see you again, this is my cousin Luci" Harry said. Hagrid held out his hand and I shook it shyly. The others then left as Hagrid lead me and the other first years to the boats. I got into a boat with three other kids.

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