Telling Hermione and Moony

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Luci's POV

It was the start of the summer holidays and Hermione was going home with me for a few days. Moony didn't it and was happy to have her stay over until the day before the next full moon. "Hermione, Moony there is something I need to tell you both" I said when we got home after leaving the train station. They gave me a confused look, but followed me to the lounge room any way.

"What is it you wish to tell us?" Moony asks once we were all seated. Hermione nodded her head in agreement as Crookshanks jumped onto her lap. I sighed not looking at them as I patted Smokey absentmindedly.

"The Dursleys aren't my real parents, I'm a half-blood witch" I told them. "My mother was a pure-blood and my father a half-blood though most believe he is pureblood" I stated. And still didn't look at them as I continued to pat Smokey. "My mother was an amazing witch and the best in her year at Hogwarts. She is a descendant of Rowena Ravenclaw" I said before looking at them.

"You're related to one of the founders of Hogwarts?" Hermione asked excitedly.

"Two actually" I said in a whisper avoiding their gaze.

"Who was your biological father?" Moony asks calmly.

"He was the brightest wizard in their year and was in Slytherin. But he was also a descendant of Salazar Slytherin himself. His old name was Tom Riddle, but goes by Voldemort now" I finished quietly as tears ran down my cheeks. "He used the imperious curse on my Mother to make her love him. When he was defeated the first time it lifted and she escaped his deatheaters" I explained.

When I looked up I saw Hermione in tears and Moony's face was expressionless. "I understand if you don't want to be friends anymore Hermione and if you want me to move out Moony" I said standing up. As I headed towards the door I was pulled into someones chest and started to cry into it.

"We love you Luci no matter who your biological father is and of course I'm still your friend. You are practically a little sister to me" Hermione said as Moony hugged me.

"I will not make you leave Lucinda, you are the closest thing to a daughter I have ever had" Moony said pulling away slightly to wipe my tears away. "I'll always protect you" he promised looking into my eyes. "Now why don't you and Hermione go unpack" he suggested.

So Hermione and I went upstairs to my room leaving Moony downstairs. "Hermione do you think the others will hate me?" I asked as we unpacked. Crookshanks and Smokey were curled up on Hermione's bed. Which Moony conjured for her stay here.

"They may be shocked at first, but I believe they will still love you as Lupin and I do" she stated confidently. "When are you going to tell them? I'll be there to help" Hermione asked. We had finished unpacking and sat on my bed to talk.

"I was planing on telling Harry and the Weasley's when we go to the Burrow for the holidays" I told her. "Dumbledore is going to tell the order members for me" I stated. "Annie I don't know when I'll tell her maybe when we return to Hogwarts" I said absentmindedly. "Hermione please be there when I tell the others, I can't do it without you" I pleaded.

She pulled into a warm sisterly hug and I returned it happily. "Of course I will, you can count on me Luci" she promised. Then we went to our separate bed and Smokey jumped on mine. As we were already in our pj's we simply fell asleep for the night.


Picture of Moony and Hermione above

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