Attack and Christmas

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Luci's POV

It has been a great last few weeks before Christmas break. Our secret defense group was called 'Dumbledore's Army' or D A for short. Hermione made coins so that we would know when the meetings were. Today was our last meeting before the Christmas holidays as most of us were leaving Hogwarts for the holidays.

So we just went over things we'd learnt from Harry already. Though I still learn stuff from Snape during our secret lessons. I only show Annie what I learn from him as she is the only one who knows. No one else knows I still take defense, but with different teacher.

Now I was asleep in my dorm room the night before we would leave on the train. But I had a bad feeling that Harry needed me. So I got out of bed getting Ginny to come and we went to the boys' room. When got there we saw McGonagall already there talking to Harry and the Weasley boys.

She then took us all to Dumbledore's office and Harry told him about the dream. Apparently Mr Weasley was attacked by a snake. Dumbledore gave orders to some of his portraits. When the one named Phineas came back he made a port key.

It took us to the kitchen in Grimmauld place where Sirius was waiting for us. He gave us all some butter beer and calmed the Weasley children down. We all fell asleep in the kitchen until Mrs Weasley came in. She made us all breakfast saying we would see Mr Weasley later. Sirius made Harry go to his old room to sleep before we left.

We went to Saint Mungo's to see Mr Weasley with some order members. One of the other patients in the room was a new werewolf. Moony went to talk to him while I watched. Then us kids left so that the adults could talk alone. We met Lockheart who signed autographs for us, which I threw in the nearest bin when no one was looking. The met Neville's Grandma and Neville as he was leaving from seeing his parents.

The next day Hermione arrived at Grimmauld Place to spend Christmas with us. Her parents went on a ski trip she was going to go on with them. Mr Weasley came back Christmas Eve, which is when Snape came to inform Harry of occlumency lessons. Snape and Sirius were about to duel as Mr Weasley entered the room with his family.

Snape left reminding Harry to be in his office at eight o'clock the first Monday back. I escorted him and out so that I could ask about my lessons. He said we could only do it once a week now on Tuesday night. I agreed to it and he gave wolfs-bane potion as it was a full moon next week. I took some of it before joining the others in the kitchen.

Where we all exchanged gifts and had a nice meal with poppers included. We were all laughing and having a great time together. But when Christmas was over Sirius got depressed about us leaving. Spending most of his time with Buckbeak in his mother's old room.

We were taking the knight bus back to school instead of the train. Moony and Sirius pulled Harry & me away from the others. Moony gave me a wrapped parcel saying not to open it until I was alone. I nodded my head and saw Sirius give Harry a similar looking parcel. Harry and I then got onto the bus.

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