Department of Mysteries

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Luci's POV

Once we entered the ministry Harry lead the way to where Sirius was. We entered an elevator and then went to a room full of doors. After a few tries Harry found the right door and we entered floor of time turners. Harry lead us to the other side of the room and through an other door. Which lead us to a room full of shelves with glass spheres on them.

I heard Harry  counting as he speed walked down the rows. He stopped at row 97 saying "he should be here". We had our wands lit looking for Sirius. When Neville called us over to a shelf pointing at a glass sphere.

It had Harry's and Voldemort's  name on it, so he took it off the shelf. When we heard a man's voice behind us asking Harry to hand a prophecy to him. I turned to see Lucius Malfoy standing there as we were surrounded by other deatheaters. Then I registered what he had said and looked at the glass sphere in Harry's hand. It was prophecy about him and Voldemort.

"Take the little one" Lucius told the deatheaters and the others surrounded me. Harry stood in front of me the prophecy raised in front of him. I raised my wand glaring at Lucius and the woman beside him. That I recognized as Bellatrix Lestrange who escaped Azkaban recently.

Then I felt someone nudge my foot as I listened to Harry talk to Lucius. "When Harry says so blast the shelves" Ginny whispered so quietly in my ear I hardly heard her. I nodded my head slowly and wait for Harry's signal. Which he gave and we shouted reducto pointing our wands at the shelves.

We then made a run for it me sticking with Harry, Hermione and Neville. When we got to the time room two deatheaters followed us. After some effort we got to the room of doors. Hermione locked the door behind us and the others entered through an other door. Ron was acting strange, Ginny had a sprained ankle and Luna looked unharmed.

Just is I strapped Ginny's ankle deatheaters the room. I grabbed Ginny and pulled her into another room with the others. Hermione locked the door, then she Harry and Neville went to lock all the other doors to the room. I pulled out a mirror and said "Moony please help we're in the department of mysteries. Deatheaters are attacking us" then turned to see Hermione reach the last door. But she was to late and the deatheaters got through the last door as she started to say the spell.

Once we got away we ended up a in room with a stone arch way with some vile. Harry then told us all to get behind him and then we were surrounded by darkness. I held Harry's spare arm tightly as he held the prophecy in it. When we could see again we saw the others being restrained by deatheaters.

"Stay behind me Luci" Harry told me as we stood up. He then tried to bargain for prophecy for the others safety. Bellatrix then started to torture Neville and I had had enough.

Stupefy I thought pointing my wand at her and she flew back into a wall. When she righted herself she locked livid. But it had worked Neville was no longer screaming in pain. "Why you little..." she started to say but was cut off by Order members arriving.

Sirius punched Lucius in the face as I ran to Moony. We dueled beside each other back to back "what took you so long?" I asked.

"Do you know how big the department of mysteries is?" he asked back. I didn't answer and we continued to duel the deatheaters. Then we saw a flush of green light and turned to see Sirius fall into the arch way.

I started to cry silently as Moony restrained Harry from going through the arch way. But then I saw Bellatrix cheering she'd killed Sirius Black ran through a door way. Harry and I ran after her as Moony called for us to come back. The door shut behind us and the room spun "we need the exist" I said.

Then the doors stopped and one opened leading to the elevator where we saw Bellatrix disappear into it. We ran to it and Harry pressed the button for the main room where the fountain is. Once we got there we saw Bellatrix trying to get into one of the fireplaces. "Crucio!" Harry shouted pointing his wand at Bellatrix's back.

She fell to the ground groaning in pain before standing and turning to face Harry. "You have to actually mean it Potter, here I'll show you" She said pointing her wand at me.But Harry pushed me out of the way behind the fountain with him. Then Dumbledore came and started to duel her.

However, Voldemort appeared to help Bellatrix so Harry and I came out to help Dumbledore. Who made the statues move Bellatrix fought the witch, whilst the centaur protected Harry and I. The wizard helped protect Dumbledore as while as Fawkes who took a killing curse turning into a chick, I picked him up putting him my pocket. It was then that Voldemort noticed me for the first time and he stared at me.

Just then members of the ministry arrived and Voldemort grabbed Bellatrix's hand. Before disapperating from the scene, but not before the ministry saw him. Dumbledore turn the wizard's head into a port key, against Fudge's wishes. Then gave it to Harry and I, we were then transported into his office. Where I placed Fawkes in the tray of ash under his perch. Whilst Harry tried to leave the room, but the door was locked he told Phineas that Sirius was dead.

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