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Luci's POV

It's been nice having the students from the other schools here. Some of the boys from Durmstrang have even talked to me. But Harry doesn't seem pleased about this. The Beauxbatons students have talked to me occasionally asking about some boys at Hogwarts. But I kept to myself mostly or studied in the library with Hermione.

The first task was coming up soon and I've been helping Harry the best I can. Ron is still not talking to him thinking he put his own name into the fire. Just like everyone else in this place besides Hermione and I. Right now I was heading to Hagrid's to help him look after some new creatures.

"Hagrid, where are you?" I asked when I reached his hut to see it empty. Fang came running and bowled me over in greeting. I laughed pushing him off and stood up. As Hagrid appeared from the forest beside his hut.

"Luci glad you could make it, follow me" he stated. Before walking back into the forest with me following him. "Now you can't tell anyone about what you are about to see" Hagrid told me. I nodded my head as we neared a clearing where loud roars were coming from. I smelt smoke on the air.

"Hagrid I don't think this is safe" I stated going for my wand. But a voice stopped me.

"Hagrid nice to see you glad you brought Luci" it said.

"Charlie" I exclaimed running to him ignoring everything else. He opened his arms and I ran into them. We hugged each other tightly. Charlie has become like an older brother to me. And I was like an other little sister to him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as we pulled away. Hagrid chuckled at my behaviour. Charlie smiled and greeted Hagrid first before answering my question.

"The first task of the tournament" he stated mysteriously.

"Dragons that's the first task" I exclaimed. He nodded his head and lead us to the clearing. Where there were four dragons in cages being watched by other witches and wizards. But I also saw there were eggs and deduced these were expectant mother dragons.

"You know we could use some help with the eggs" Charlie suggested looking at the Horn-tail. Yes I know my dragons, I actually wanted to be a dragon tamer like Charlie when I grow up.

"Really I could work with you?" I asked excitedly bouncing on the balls of my feet. He nodded his head and I squealed hugging him again. "When do I start?" I asked calmer this time.

"Tonight after some basic training now" he stated. "It will be a lot of work and you will have to do everything you're told. Always keep your eyes peeled" he told me sternly. I nodded my head eagerly and Hagrid left so I could begin my training.

Later that night when the Horn-tail lost it's temper. I noticed Harry in the shadows with Hagrid. He didn't seem to notice me though thankfully. I went  over to Charlie for my next instructions. I ended up spending the night with the tamers as I was to tired to return to the castle.


Picture of the Horn-tail losing it's temper above

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