Draco Malfoy Finds Out

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Luci's POV

I wasn't feeling well today as it was going to be a full moon tonight. I took my potion this morning and Hermione made sure I did. Her and the other girls are in class, while I get the day off. But Annie was going to bring me homework and notes from our classes, as we share the same ones.

Right now I am in Dumbledore's office about to ask him for permission to spend the night in the forest. "What is it you wish to talk about Miss Dursley?" Dumbledore asked. As I sat down across from him with Smokey.

"I was wondering if I could spend tonight in the forest" I stated avoiding his eyes.

"Have you taken your potion?" he asked with a thoughtful look on his face. I nodded my head. "Then I don't see why not, I'll have Severus escort you into the forest before sunset" Dumbledore stated. "This will be a trail run if it goes well, you may go there every full moon" he explained.

"I won't let you down Professor" I promised before he dismissed me. I went to the hospital wing to wait for Snape to arrive. He was going to come after his final lesson of the day to take me into the forest.

(hour before sunset)

Snape walked into the room "are you ready?" he asks in a bored tone. I nodded my head as I stood up from the bed I was sitting on. I nearly fell, but he caught my shoulder steadying me. "You've taken the potion" he stated as we left the hospital wing.

"I have it makes me feel weak" I stated as an answer and he nodded his. "Thank you, for all your help Professor" I said. We finally reached the first floor when he talked again.

"Why now do you wish to transform outside?" he asked.

"My wolf doesn't do well in stone walls even with the potion" I stated. "Sir, do you hate me what I am?" I asked. Snape stopped in his tracks with a shocked expression. "I know you don't like Moony for what he is. Do you judge me because he was the one to bite me?" I asked.

"I do not care that you are a werewolf or feel about you any differently. You didn't ask to become what you are" he stated after looking around. Not releasing someone was watching them during their conversation. "Besides you were bitten by protecting me and that cousin of yours" he stated.

Before he continued to walk me following behind him only for us to be stopped by a voice behind them. "You are werewolf and you didn't tell me" a voice sneered. I turned to see Draco Malfoy standing there glaring at me. "I thought we were friends Dursley" he stated coldly. "Who knows what you are?" he asks stepping forward.

"Draco go to my office now, I'll be there shortly" Snape ordered. Draco left the hall heading towards the dungeons. "Miss Dursley I trust you can handle it from here" he told me. I nodded my head and he left me there heading the same way as Draco. I then ran out of the castle into the forest.

Once deep inside where no one would find me I stopped. When I looked around I noticed I was in a clearing. Then I looked up and saw the moon start to appear from behind the clouds. I howled as I transformed into a full fledged werewolf. Before taking off deeper into the forest.

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