Sorting and First day of Lessons

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Luci's POV

We got to the castle and Hagrid lead us to a big door. He knocked on the door and a man with latten appeared. "Where is McGonagall?" Hagrid asked as he showed us into the castle.

"She is sorting something out with two of her students" the man explained. We were then lead to the great hall where all the other students were already. Then an other professor did the sorting of calling our names and placing an old hat on our head. While waiting for my name I looked around searching for Harry.

But at the Gryffindor table I only saw the Weasley's and no Harry or Hermione.  "Dursley Lucinda" the professor called my name and I stepped forward. I sat on the stall and he placed the hat on my head.

"Very loyal to her friends and cousin, but not the rest of her family. So not a Hufflepuff. Very smart and creative would do will in Ravenclaw. But is also stubborn with a thirst to prove herself. Very brave and welling to die for her loved ones" a voice said in my head.

"Can I be in Gryffindor please, that is where my family and friends are?" I asked in my head.

"Gryffindor!" the hat shouted to the room and the Weasley's clapped. I went and sat next to Ron asking where Harry and Hermione are. He just said that our head of house was speaking to them. Just then they entered the great hall followed by a tall stern looking woman.

Harry sat in between Ron & I and Hermione sat on my other side. The feats started and we ate quietly Harry and Hermione congratulating me for being in Gryffindor. After the feast I followed a Gryffindor prefect to Gryffindor Tower.

Once there I went to find my dorm room and to see Smokey. When I found the door with my name on it I entered to see Smokey already curled up on my bed. I changed into my pj's before going to say goodnight to Harry with Smokey on my shoulders.

(the next day)

I woke up at seven as usual and had a shower before getting dressed. Once that was done I went do to the common room to find Hermione there already. Smokey jumped onto my shoulders and we left the room. Hermione lead the way to the great hall pointing out classrooms as we passed them.

When we got there only few students and professors were there. We sat Gryffindor table and started to eat some toast. Professor McGonagall handed us our timetables as will as Harry's and Ron's. I had Potions first then Transfiguration before break and lunch. Then I have herebology, history, and defense.

Potions was fine Snape asked me questions and I answered all of them correctly getting 15 points for Gryffindor. In Transfiguration we took notes after McGonagall turned into a tabby cat. I really love animals and would love to turn into one in the future. During break I went to the library and did the homework Snap gave us.

I met Harry and his friends at lunch in the great hall. I told how my day was going and they told me about having a lesson with Hagrid next. It  made me wish I could be in that class. I had a free during one of their lessons with him. I'll go down and watch the lesson.

Herebology was fun we learnt about devil snare and how to kill it. History was boring and I nearly fell asleep on the notes I was taking. Now came the class I was looking forward to most Defense. I got there early and saw Lupin setting up. He saw me and told me a take a sit.

I took a front row sit and watched as he set up some sort of target. When the rest of the class arrived he told us about a few jinxes. We then practiced them on the target he'd set up. After class I stayed behind to ask him something. "Professor Lupin are you a werewolf?" I asked quietly. his head snapped up to look at me in surprise.

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