Snape as DADA Teacher

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Luci's POV

It was the last day of the full moon for this month and we were having a relief teacher in DADA. Lupin wouldn't tell me who it was just that I had to behave. I had gone to give him some chocolate before going to breakfast.

We had gotten close over the year and I saw him as a second father almost. But of course I didn't tell Harry or Lupin that. He seems to care about my happiness and my grades. Lupin helped me study for some of my classes. While Hermione helped me with the other subjects.

I was on my way to DADA classroom with my friend Annie. She was one of my dorm mates and was the one I was closest too. She had short dirty blonde hair and doe brown eyes. She was always hyper, loved astronomy and history. Where I loved DADA, magical creatures and to study. We were so different but got along will any way.

When we entered the classroom five minutes late I said "sorry we're late Professor." But I stopped speaking when I saw Snape was taking the class. While Annie went to sit I stood looking at Snape.

"Sit down Miss Dursley and ten points from Gryffindor for being late" he stated. But I still stood in the doorway looking at what was on the board. He was going to teach us about werewolves, we are only first years for heavens sake.

"Professor we didn't have anything on werewolves on the books from our book list" I stated.

"I am aware of this Miss Dursley which is why I borrowed the necessary books from the library for you all" he told me. "Now sit down unless you what to lose more points for your house and receive a detention" he stated. I sat next to Annie reluctantly as he handed out the books.

"Turn to page 394" he told us all and I turned to the page slowly. When suddenly it flipped to the right page and I looked up to see Snape glaring at me. For the rest of the lesson we talked about werewolves and their differences to a normal wolf. He then gave us homework where we had to do two rolls of parchment of werewolves.

I went to lunch and sat next to Harry & his friends. They told me about their lesson with Snape and I told them about mine. "He hates Lupin and now his trying to undermine him" I snarled glaring at the staff table. "He even took points from me for the first time ever" I whined.

Hermione wrapped an arm around my shoulder in comfort. She knew I hated Gryffindor losing points and I was responsible this time. That night she and I did our essays on werewolves together. When I packed up to return to the common room I saw she was not.

"I want to check something out I'll see you soon" she promised. I nodded my head and went straight to the common room. After I said goodnight to Harry and Ron I went upstairs to bed. Where Smokey was already sleeping peacefully on his side of the bed.

Lucinda DursleyWhere stories live. Discover now