Being Asked to the Ball

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Luci's POV

The Yule Ball was announced the night after the first task. I was going home as I wasn't in my fourth year. Also no one has invited me to go with them. Moony was excited and said Sirius would be with us also. As it was a full moon two days after so we would spend it together.

No one has found out about my secret yet. I spend my full moons in the chamber where the philosopher stone was kept. Dumbledore has been extra careful with my transformations, so that no one will find out. Hermione and Ginny help cover for me in Gryffindor tower with Harry's and Ron's help.

Draco Malfoy has been weirder lately and seems to be there every time I turn a corner. Pansy keeps begging him to ask her to the ball. But he doesn't and tells her to go with Blaise. He tells her he wants to ask someone else, but weren't tell her who it is.

Right now I was returning to my room during my free period. There was a parcel on my bed with a black eagle owl next to it. I didn't recognize the owl so I didn't know who sent the parcel. There was letter on top of it so I read that first.

Dear Luci,

I know you don't know me or have any right to trust me. But I wish to go to the Yule Ball with you and no one else. So please wear the dress and meet me in the Entrance hall the night of the ball near the front door.

From Your Secret Admirer

I opened the parcel to see the most beautiful dress I'd ever seen. It was red and gold has a slight train to it. I loved it and couldn't wait to go to the ball. I bet I'd be the youngest there only being in my second year.

Hermione came in with smile on her face. "You won't guess who just asked me to the ball" she said. "Victor Krum asked me to go and I said yes" she squealed.

"I have also been invited by a secret admirer" I told her pointing to the dress.

"That looks expensive, I am so happy for you Luci" she said. Then Ginny came in with a smile on her face. Followed by Smokey and Crookshanks who jumped on mine & Hermione's bed.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked with a smirk on my face.

"Neville asked me to the ball" Ginny told us. We then told her about our dates and we squealed. "This guy must really like you Luci" she sated looking at the dress. Ginny then told us how both Harry and Ron have had no luck finding dates yet.

I then sent a letter to Moony telling him I was staying. He got all protective and so did Harry, but they calmed down after a few days. Harry and Ron finally got dates to the ball after their first girls turned them down. Now we just had to wait until the ball to find out who my date is.

Draco seemed happier since people left for the holidays. I think his girl said yes and was going to the ball with him. For some reason this made me mad and sad at the same time.


Picture of Luci's dress above

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