I'll Remember This For "Centuries"

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I sent my Religion teacher, (yes I know how ironic that is, that the most unholy of them all, goes to catholic school), the video for "Centuries" by Fall Out Boy.

I wanted to know what he, as a religion teacher, got out of it. Here's what he sent me back:

"I see a lot of religious images in this video. You have the gladiator games which was used to persecute early Christians, you have the crucified man (Jesus), you have the savior type wearing the cloak of a monk who then turns into an angel, and the title, which may refer to Jesus who is a legend that will never die. The slingshot that David used, was seen as an insignificant weapon, but when David defended his God against the insults of the Philistine giant Goliath, his whole attitude was that,"With God's help, anything is possible." Many Christians of the early church were fed to the starved lions who were kept hungry in a zoo attached by a tunnel. The next giant out of the gate is a brute who roars like a lion."

I'm dying right now. 😂

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