Chapter 2

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I woke up and sat up. I really didn't want to get out of bed but I knew that I had to since we had our final band practice before we left on tour on Friday which was only 2 days away. I climbed out of bed and picked up my clothes and the towel and wash cloth that Taylor left for me.

I walked into the bathroom and quickly got washed and dressed. I headed down the stairs where Taylor was sitting eating cereal out of the box which made me giggle. I walked over and sat next to him. he smiled at me and handed me the cereal box.

" I'm going to go home and get changed and then I'll meet you guys at band practice " I said and then took a handful of cereal.

" Alright I'll see you later " He said and I handed him the cereal back

" Bye t " I said before leaving. I walked slowly home. I didn't want to go and face chad but I really had to change plus I had to pack for tour.

I finally reached the house and went inside. chad was sitting in the living room watching tv. I just headed straight up the stairs and got changed into a pair of sweats and a hoodie. if I could wear sweats on stage trust me I would. I put my white converses on and then went back down the stairs. I walked straight past chad and went into the kitchen to get a bottle of water.

When I turned around to leave chad was standing in the door way

" Where did you go last night " he said

" I stayed at a friends " I said before pushing past him.

" What friends " he asked as he followed me

" Just a friends. it's none of your business we aren't dating anymore so you don't need to know my business and I want you gone by the time I'm home " I said before leaving and starting my drive to band practice.

When I got there all the guys where already there and I was late like usual

" Late again " Jeremy said as he sat with his guitar

" Lay off her " Taylor said

" Why ? " Jeremy asked confused

" Chad broke up with me last night " I said as I adjusted the mic

" I'm sorry hayley " he said as he walked over and hugged me

" I'm fine now let's get started " I said and let go of him.

We went through half of our playlist and then took a break. I sat crossed legged on the floor staring into space. Taylor came and sat at one side of me and Jeremy sat at the other side

" What ya thinking about " Jeremy asked

" Nothing really " i replied

" Your thinking about chad aren't you " Taylor asked

" Yes " I replied

" He's not worth it hayles let's get this band practice over with and then go for lunch " Jeremy said and I nodded. I got up and walked back over to the mic

After band practice we headed to our favorite restaurant. We all ordered our usual. Taylor and Jeremy where talking about how they couldn't wait to go on tour. I was just sitting quietly eating. I wasn't hungry but I knew that I had to eat.

" So hayles are you looking forward to going on tour and seeing all our fans again " Jeremy asked and then took a bite out if his burger

" Yeah. it'll be nice to get away from franklin for a couple of months " I replied

" I can't wait to go back in the bus I've missed my bunk. " Taylor said as he rubbed his hands together

" Don't you not find them un comfy " I asked

" No how do you " Taylor asked

" yeah but you get you used to then after a week " I replied

After lunch we all went home to get packed and ready for tour. when I arrived there chad was getting his things packed so I just stayed down the stairs until he was finished

" You know we can still be friends " chad said from the door way

" No chad we can't. I don't want to see your face ever again. we are not friends and we never will be. have a nice life " I said and then pushed past him and ran away up stairs.

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