Chapter 18

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A couple of months have passed and Rosie was getting so big. me and the guys where heading for parahoy today and i couldn't be more excited. it was going to be so much fun being with the guys for a while and performing nearly every night.

I waited outside my house for Jeremy to pull up. I noticed chad walking up the side walk and I was praying that Jeremy would just pull up right now but he didn't

" So use are going on parahoy " chad said once he walked up to where i was standing

" Yep " I said not even looking at him

" Well you'll be happy to know that new found glory are going to be sailing with use " he said. I looked around at him and he had a evil smirk in his face

" You better not come near me or Taylor and If you do I will make sure to get use kicked of the ship get it " I said angrily. he put his hands up In defeat

" Don't worry. I don't give a toss about you or your dick of a boyfriend " he said and then walked away

" Don't you ever call him a dick again or I swear to god you will regret it " I shouted as he walked away. he turned around and smirked at me evilly and then walked around the corner. I sighed and continued to wait on Jeremy and taylor.

Jeremy's car pulled up at the curb and I wheeled my suitcase to the trunk and opened it and placed my suitcase In. i got in the back of the car and said hi to the guys.

" Is there something wrong ?" Taylor asked concerned

" No I'm alright " I said as I looked out the window

" No your not I know when your not alright " Taylor replied

" Taylor I said I was fine " I half shouted

" If your going to be like this then I don't even want to be sailing with you " Taylor replied

" Fine don't then I don't care " I replied

" Guys just stop fighting. use are suppose to be happy together and love each other yet here you are fighting " Jeremy said

" I never started it she did " Taylor said

" I didn't start it you kept asking if I was alright " I said

Jeremy put his foot down on the break lunging both me and Taylor forward " I don't give a fuck who started it just shut up " Jeremy shouted

The rest of the ride was quiet and awkward which it never usually is. we got there and got out the car with our suit cases. We headed up the ramp into the ship. the captain showed us to our rooms, me and Taylor where sharing which wasn't good considering we where moaning at each other earlier.

I put everything in the drawers and closet. I went a wonder around the ship and some fans where already here so they stopped me for pictures. I stood and looked over at the water.

" Are you ever going to tell me how you feel " Taylor said behind me

" I told you I was fine." I said not looking at him

" When's the lies going to stop. you never tell me anything and you wondered why I believed chad " Taylor half shouted

" 1 this isn't a lie. 2 I tell you nearly everything and 3 you believed chad because you wanted to not because of me " I shouted

" Do you know what this relationship isn't working . come find me when you actually want to be with me " Taylor said and then walked away

A few minuets later chad appeared " oh so you and Taylor had a argument. I knew that your stupid relationship would never work out. can't you see that you where better with me " he said. I turned around and looked at him.

" Don't you get it chad. I hate your guts. what you did to me that night I will never forget. as far as I'm concerned your dead to me. so get it threw that thick head of yours that we are over and never ever getting back together. I'm happy with Taylor and though it might not seem like It right now but I really am. so why don't you go find a girlfriend and move on because I'm over you and you need to get over me " I said

" Your right " he said before he walked away.

" Are you really happy with me " Taylor said as he walked out from behind a wall

" Of course I am. I was just pissed that chad was here with us but he's finally got the message that he needs to move on and forget about me. so he won't be bothering us again " I replied

" Finally. I've been waiting for this day since we started dating " Taylor said as he pulled me close

" So have I " I replied and Taylor kissed the top of my head

" Oh my god tayley " a group of girls shouted. me and Taylor turned around and looked at them and laughed.

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