Chapter 44

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The two weeks seemed to fly by and today was our last practice before the actual show. we where flying out to New York tonight.

me and Taylor where going to see our baby for the first time. we got out the the car. the paps that where following us got out there car and started to take pictures.

I held taylors hand as we fought through the crowd of people

" Hayley are your pregnant " a pap said as me and Taylor where about to walk into the hospital. I looked around. At him but I just kept walking. I didn't want to tell the paps that I was pregnant because I knew they would make some crap up about it and I couldn't be bothered with it.

We got to the reception and gave her my name before sitting down next to Taylor. we where at a private hospital that you had to pay for. Taylor wanted the best for me and the baby so be payed for me to come her and get my scans and also to have the baby here.

After a few minuets of waiting the doctor called me and I went in with taylor.

" Hello miss willaims it's nice to meet you " she said and then shook my hand. we took a seat across from her desk .

" Today I'm going to weigh you and take some bloods to make sure your iron and vitamins are all the way the should be. use will also get to see your baby today. so if you would like to sit up on the bed I will just get the things I need " she said

I got up from where I was sitting and took my jacket off and then sat on the bed. the doctor left to get the needles but within a few minuets she was back. she came over to me and wiped my arm . " you looking forward to being a mom " she said as she put the needle in

" Yeah I'm so excited I'm just gonna miss performing " I replied

" Does this mean paramores over ? " She asked

" No no paramore isn't over we're just taking a break " I replied

" That's you, let's get you weighed w she said. I got off the bed and followed her over to the scales. she quickly weighed me and now it was time to see my baby. I lay on the bed holding Taylor's hand as she put the cold gel on my belly

" Alright honey it's time to see your baby " she said and then put the wand on my belly. me and Taylor looked at screen as our baby appeared. well it wasn't a shape of a baby it was like a blob but still it was our baby. I looked up at Taylor who had tears in his eyes.


Me and the guys where now practicing but all I could do was look at my baby scan just seeing that there was Actually a baby in me made it feel so real.

" Hayley are you actually gonna sing " Jeremy said bringing me out of my thoughts

" Yeah sort jerem " I said as I put the picture of the scan in my pocket. Taylor and Jeremy began to play decoy and I began to sing

Close your eyes and make believe this is where you want to be

Forgetting all the memories, try to forget love cause love's forgotten me

Well hey, hey baby, it's never too late pretty soon you won't remember a thing

And I'll be distant, the stars reminiscing

Your heart's been wasted on me

You've never been so used as I'm using you, abusing you

My little decoy

Don't look so blue, you should've seen right through

I'm using you, my little decoy

My little decoy

Live your life inside a dream

Time is changing everything

Forgetting all the memories

And I'm forced into you just cause you're into me

Well hey, hey baby, it's never too late

When I'm gone you won't remember a thing

But I can't stay and you know I won't wait

I was gone from the very first day

You've never been so used as I'm using you, abusing you

My little decoy

Don't look so blue, you should've seen right through

I'm using you, my little decoy

Oh, oh.

I'm not sorry at all

(not sorry at all, not sorry. no.)

I won't be sorry at all

(not sorry at all, not sorry. no.)

I'd do it over again

Don't look so blue, my little decoy

You should've seen right through, my little decoy

You've never been so used, my little decoy

And so I'm using you, my little decoy

I sang.

" That was good hayles " Taylor said behind me. I turned around and smiled at him. I couldn't believe that tomorrow was going to be our last show for 3 years. I was looking forward to it yet I was dreading it as well. not performing for 3 years was like taking candy away from a kid It was impossible but it had to be done.

" Do you wanna go home and start to pack since it's half 5 and out flights at 9 ?" I asked Taylor

" Yeah come on. We will see you tonight at the airport " Taylor said before taking my hand and leaving


We where now all sitting on the plane. Jeremy had his ear phones in and Taylor was watching a movie. I looked out the window as the plane took off into the dark sky.

Everything was now becoming so real. knowing that after this show paramore was gone for a couple of year shirt like hell but it had to be done so I could look after my baby.

I was looking forward to it but I had a funny feeling that tomorrow show was going to be our last. like after this paramore was gonna split and we would all go our separate ways. I felt the tears sting the back of my eyes just thinking about it. paramore was my life and if it ever ended I don't know what I would do but the feeling wouldn't budge. what if paramore does end ?.....

So guys I need your help on picking a name for the baby and wether it will be a boy or a girl











So comment telling me if you want it to be a boy or girl and your favorite name

Ps - there's only 1 more chapter until this books finished 🙊

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