Chapter 12

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I got out of his hold and pushed him away from me

" What the fuck chad. I'm with Taylor and you know it. me and you are the past. I no longer love you or want to be with you so just get it through your thick head " I said and then pushed past him to the front door

" Hayley you can't just throw away 5 years of us being together " he said. I turned around and looked at him

" I can't throw it away. what about you. you caused all this chad not me. we aren't together because you couldn't handle people saying me and Taylor should be a couple. "

" Yeah well you would have ended up with that wee dick anyway. you would have went behind my
Back and cheated on me " he said

" Don't you ever call Taylor a dick again. he's a better man that you will ever be " I said. I opened the the door and went inside. I ran up the stairs and got my outfit for tonight.

I walked outside and chad was no longer there. I walked over to my car and got in. I Quickly drove to the arena and went inside. I walked to the dressing room went in. Taylor was lying in the couch and Jeremy must have been away to get food. I went over to Taylor and lay next to him, he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight.

" You ok " he asked

" Yeah I just can't believe this is our last show " I replied

" I know but hey it was a good couple of months " he said which made me smile

" Yeah it was " I replied.


The concert came and went and now we where in the dressing room packing our stuff up. we heard a knock at the door and Taylor went and answered it. I walked over to the other side of the room and picked up my other close and throw them into my bag

" Is it true ? " Taylor asked

I turned around to look at him and noticed chad was at the door

" Is what true ?" I asked

" Did you kiss chad ?" he said. He looked like he was about to cry but chad was standing behind him with a smirk on his face

" Of course I didn't I love you Taylor not him " I replied

" That's not what you where saying earlier on " chad said with a evil smirk.

" I'm done with you I'm done with this relationship " Taylor said before storming away

" did you kiss him " Jeremy asked

" Of course I didn't. He kissed me and I pushed him away " I said before running out after Taylor

" Taylor wait " I shouted. he stopped and turned around

" Why would you kiss him when we are together ?" he asked

" I didn't kiss him. he kissed me and I pushed him away because I love you Taylor and I don't want anything to destroy it " I replied

" come on hayley just tell the truth you said that you where going to dump Taylor and be with me aBecause you no longer love him " chad said behind me. I turned around and looked at him

" The truth is that I hate your guts. I never kissed you, you kissed me and I pushed you away. I love Taylor not you so why don't you just get that throw your head and leave me the fuck alone." I shouted at chad.

" Is there a problem " security asked

" Yes get him out of here " I said as I pointed to chad. I turned back around to face Taylor " I love you and I want to be with you forever. I didn't kiss chad and I would never kiss him because or relationship is special and I love you " I said Taylor

" Then why don't I believe you ? " He said and then walked away. I turned around and looked at chad who was getting dragged out my security

" Remember I'm the one who loves you " he shouted

" Get over yourself " I shouted and then walked back Into the dressing room.

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