Chapter 8

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A week had passed and the tour was going well. me and Taylor where ok and nothing could make me any happier.

I sat on to he stage looking out at all the empty seats. I loved going on tour it was always fun and when it ended it meant we had to go back to reality which sucked. Taylor came and sat next to me and wrapped his arm around me

" You ok spongebob " he said

" Yeah " I replied

" Hmm ok " he replied. I lay my on his shoulder and continued to look out at all the empty seats

" Guys we really should be getting ready the concert starts in a hour " Jeremy said behind us

Me and Taylor sighed and got up and walked away with Jeremy to get ready .


We where standing on the stage with the grow up intro playing. I looked at Taylor who had a big smile on his face. the curtain fell and I began to sing. seeing all the empty chairs now full was amazing there wasn't a empty seat in the whole stadium.

A few songs passed and it was time for me to pick someone to come and sing misery business with me. " I heard someone singing my part. you should know by now that its my favourite part " everyone was cheering for me to pick them " so who was it then. " I said as I walked over to where Jeremy was " who do you think it was '' I said to Jeremy as he played his Guitar

" It was defiantly someone over there " he said pointing over to the other side. I walked over and stood next to Taylor. I looked about every one and my eyes landed on a girl. she was standing staring at the Ground. she was getting pushed about by everyone and she just looked so small and fragile. I walked over to the edge of the stage and went on one of the boxes next to the girl " I think it was you " I said to her. she looked up and her eyes lit up when she saw me. I smiled at her, she must have only been 13 or something. the security guards lifted her out and showed her up to the stage whilst I walked on to the stage. as soon as she saw me she ran straight to me and hugged me tight.

" Thank you so much for saving my life so many times " she said which made me hug her tighter. once I let go we faced the audience

" So tell everyone your name " I said to her

" Emma '' she said into the Mic. I walked over to the other mic and knelt down as I handed her it. she smiled at me and took it

" Alright Emma I'm going to count to 3 and then its your time to show us what you've got ok " she nodded her head " alright 1.....2.....3. " I said and she stood on the box and sang her heart out. she was actually really good. she ran over to Jeremy and started to dance with him so I went over to Taylor. he kissed me which made the audience cheer really loud. we started to head bang obviously I was the best. I walked over to the paramore box and bent down and tapped it and Emma came running over and stood on it. I moved away and started to kick my legs about and head bang.

The song finished and Emma walked over to me and handed me the mic and gave me a hug

" You done great kiddo '' I whispered to her.

" I love you Hayley " she said before letting go of me. as she let go of me I could see fresh cuts on her wrist like they had only been down yesterday.

" I love you more " I said before she got took off the stage with security. just seeing they cuts on her wrist made my heart break. I needed a hug so I walked over to Taylor and got a hug and again all the audience cheered.

" Are you ok " he whispered. I moved away and shook my head. I walked away and began to sing the next song


The concert was done and so was the meet and greet. we headed back to the bus and I changed into sweats before going into the back lounge and lying down. Taylor came in and moved my feet and sat next to me

" Are you going to tell me what's up " he asked. I shook my head and turned the tv on " Hayley if we are in a relationship then you are going to have to tell me things '' he said but I just ignored him. I wasn't in the mood to talk about tonight. I knew how she felt. I nearly cut my wrist when I was younger,luckily I never. " fine I'm done " he said as he got up and stormed out.

" What the heck hayley, you and Taylor have gone out for a week and use are already fighting what's wrong with you " Jeremy said. I looked up at him an then back at the tv not saying anything. he walked over to the tv and turned It off

" Hey '' I shouted

" God sake Hayley stop being so ignorant and go and tell taylor what the hells wrong with you " Jeremy shouted back

" I don't want to " I shouted

" Then you and Taylor's relationship isn't going to last long. " he shouted before storming out like Taylor did. I sat up and sighed. Jeremy was right if I didn't tell Taylor how I was feeling then I was going to end up losing him. I got up and walked to the bunks and put on a pair on converses. I walked to the front of the bus where Jeremy was sitting.

" Where's Taylor " I asked

" Oh now you decide to talk '' he replied

" Just tell me where Taylor is " I said angrily

" He's outside".

I walked out the bus and saw Taylor over next to the stadium. I walked over to him

" What do you want " he said

" To tell you why I was sad " I replied back

" So now you decide to tell me "

" I was sad because Emma the girl on stage cuts her wrists and she thanked me for saving her life so many times which means that she's thought of killing herself more than once " i looked at the ground as tears started to fall " I know how she feels because I thought about cutting my wrists and killing my self and I hate to see our fans go through it "

Taylor pulled me into a hug. " I know " he said as he rubbed my back and held me tight.

" I don't want to find out that she has actually done it '' i said into his chest

" I know baby but hopefully she won't " he said

" I hope not, I don't want to lose another parawhore "

" Come on let's get you to bed '' he said as he put his arm around me and walked me back to the bus. I made my way to my bunk and got in. Taylor gave me a kiss on the forehead and said night before going to sit with Jeremy. I closed my eyes and fell straight to sleep

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