Chapter 6

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It was later that day. me and Taylor told Jeremy that we where dating now and he was so happy like literally he was jumping about the place.

We where about to go on stage and again I was jumping about mad. Taylor walked over to me and wrapped his arm around me.

" Hayley you know that I love you don't you " he whispered in my ear

" Of course I do and I love you to. " I said and then kissed him

" That's use " the guy who sets up the stage said. we done our usual but to night we had a surprise for when the curtain fell down. We stood waiting for the Curtain to fall. when it did I held up a sign and the audience went crazy. the sign said " tayley is real ". I through it to the side and began to sing. I looked over to Taylor who had a massive smile on his face.

When the song finished I stood at the mic looking out at all our fans were chanting " tayley " and it was so cute

" So as use know me and Taylor are now a couple " they all cheered there head off which made me smile. some people where holding up banners saying " smile hayley " well I can see a few signs saying smile hayley. well I am smiling now so use Will all be happy. god we've missed you guys so much and we all hope that you enjoy this concert. WE ARE PARAMORE "

the concert finished and we done the meet and greets and now i was in the dressing room getting all my stuff together. I heard the door knock so I went and answered it. it was chad

" So you and Taylor are now a couple " he said upset

" Yeah why are you here " I asked confused

" Because I came to tell you I made a mistake. everyone on twitter and Instagram kept saying you and Taylor should go out and it was getting to me and I thought maybe you are better with Taylor but I miss you so much and I shouldn't have left you "

" Chad your to late. just go back to franklin " I said as I closed the door

I went over and changed into my sweats and a hoodie since Taylor and Jeremy where away to get something to eat. I lay on the couch until they came back. I looked through my twitter and nearly ever tweet said " omg tayleys real someone hold me " I giggled at some of them.

" What are you giggle at " Taylor asked as he bent down and kissed me

" Just the fans on twitter. there all happy that we are together " I replied

" Well they have been saying it for years now " he said as he walked over to the chair and sat down.

" Hey guys. Hayley you should totally check out the room with all the food it's literally Heaven " Jeremy said as he entered the room

" Jeremy all you ever do is think about food " I giggled

" I know but it's so good " he said as he moved my legs and sat down next to me. someone knocked on the door an we all shouted come in at the same time

" Guys we need to get going now so we can drive to the next place since use have a interview in the morning " the bus driver said. we all sighed at the same time an then got up and got our bags and then followed him out to the bus.

" Hayley wait " i heard chad shout behind me so I turned around to face him.

" What is it " I said

" Good luck to you and Taylor " he said before walking away. I turned back around and walked to the bus

" Who was that ?" Jeremy asked as soon as I got on the bus.

" Chad " I replied

" What the hells chad doing here '' taylor asked. he looked annoyed

" Just that he wanted me back " I said as I made my way to my bunk

" You said no right " he asked as he followed me

" Of course I did im with you now Taylor, me and chad are the past its you me from now on " I said and kissed him. he smiled and then walked away back to Jeremy who was shouting on him. I quickly got changed into my shorts and t-shirt and climbed into my bunk and fell asleep.

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