Chapter 25

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Jeremy's p.o.v

" Your such a fucking idiot sometimes, you just lost the one person who actually loved you " I shouted at Taylor who was sitting on the bed with his head in his hands.

" don't you think I know that " he shouted back as he looked at me

" Well you just let her walk out of that door you didn't even stop her shows how much you really love her " I shouted

" Don't you'd dare say that, you know I love her more than anything. "

" you know what Taylor. come back and see me when your a real man and when you've sorted this crap out with hayley because right now I'm done with this shit " I shouted before leaving just like hayley did.

Hayleys p.o.v

I walked about the ship. I didn't know where to go. I can't believe that me and Taylor aren't together. i just can't handle him always being paranoid about chad, I don't know how many times I've told him that I love him and that I'm staying with him. I sighed and looked over at the water.

Maybe me and Taylor aren't suppose to be together maybe This is gods way of telling us that we are no good for each other. Maybe me and chad are suppose to be together and not me and Taylor.

" Hayley are you ok " Jeremy said behind me. I turned around and looked at him and shook my head. he pulled me into a hug and hugged me tight

" I don't think I can be with Taylor anymore it's to hard. all he thinks about is chad wanting me back and that I'll go back to him. I can't do it anymore Jeremy I can't be in a relationship like that " I said and then moved out of Jeremy's hold

" I know hayles. Taylor will come to his senses soon he really loves you and he will be a fool to let you walk away " he replied

" But what if I don't want to be with him then " I said and then walked


Jeremys p.o.v

I can't believe that hayely just said that. it just shows that she's been fed up if Taylor acting this way for a while. I walked quickly back to hayley and Taylor cabin and walked straight in. Taylor was still sitting in the bed with head in his hands

" Taylor you've got to get your act together and go find hayley are your going to lose her " I said to him

" I've already lost her Jeremy " he replied as he looked up at me. his eyes where all red and puffy. he must have been crying I've never see taylor cry,

" Get your butt up and look for her you haven't lost her yet. she's hurting and she pissed at you. you've got to learn that chad is noting but a friend to hayley. she loves you Taylor and you've got to trust her and forget about what chad wants because she's your girl and she always will be " I said to him as I sat next to him

" I don't want to ever lose her Jeremy. she's the love of my life she always has been. they day I told her I loved her was the best day of my life ever since that day I've been so happy. everytime I'm around her she always makes me feel things I've never felt before. I even got her this " he said and then went into a drawer. he brought out a ring with a huge diamond

" Is that what I think it is ? " I asked

" Yes it's a engagement ring, I was going to ask her to marry me during the last show in front of everybody " he replied

" Dude you got to get your girl back and you gotta go find her now " I said. Taylor put the ring back in the drawer and the walked out the cabin. if that's not what you call love then I don't know what is

Authors note

So what do you guys think of this chapter ? I know it was mostly in Jeremy's p.o.v but he's hardly mentioned a lot so I thought it would be nice to have a part in his p.o.v. what do you guys think of Taylor and Hayley ? Do you think that Hayley should take Taylor back or do you think that she shouldn't ?oh what about the engagement ring. I bet use weren't expecting that 😏 anyway enjoy and comment and tell me what you think of this chapter

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