Chapter 36

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I walked out chads house and ran down his path. I couldn't believe I kissed him. I just betrayed Taylor, he's suppose to be the one I love. The one I'm going to marry.

Tears rolled down my cheeks. I was so confused about what just happened. I was confused about how I was feeling. part of me wanted to go back to chads and be with him then the other half of me wanted to go home to Taylor and sort this crap out.

I decided to go back home and sort This out with Taylor. he was the one I loved and the one I wanted to marry.

I reached the house and went Inside. Taylor, jeremy, kat and my mum where all sitting in the living room. I sighed and walked in

" Where the hell have you been " Taylor asked annoyed

" I went to see my mum then I went a walk " I said

" Everyone's been worried about you honey. your just out of hospital you have to take it easy " my mum said

" Look guys use don't have to be worried about me I'm fine I'm just a bit sore that's all " I replied as I went and sat down next to Taylor

" I'm sorry hayles, I shouldn't have been the way I was earlier with you. I know that you where upset about Emma and I understand why you went to California but I was worried sick. you never called or anything but I'm glad your home and i missed you so much " Taylor said as he wrapped his arms around me and lifted me on to his lap.

" I love you t " I said as I lay my head on his chest.

" I better get going. I'm glad your alright " my mum said before getting up and leaving.

" I'm gonna go lie down " I said as I got out of Taylor's hold and headed up the stairs. I lay down on the bed and closed my eyes.

" What's up " I heard kat say. I opened my eyes and looked at her.

" Nothing " I lied

" Yes there is, Jeremy and Taylor might not notice but I do " she said as she lay next to me

" Honestly nothing's wrong "

" Your gonna tell me. " She said

I knew that there was no way I was getting out if this " fine I still have feelings for chad " I whispered

" No way " she said shocked

" Yes way " I replied

" You have to stop the feelings, you've got a wonderful fiancé down there who's going to be your husband soon he doesn't deserve this "

" Don't you think I know that "

" I do and that's why your going to stop your feelings towards chad and marry Taylor. " she said and then got up and walked away leaving me lost in my thoughts.

If I marry Taylor will I regret it ?. Why the hell was i thinking that. I loved Taylor I really did but chad has been on my mind for the last couple of weeks and the kiss today just kicked off all the feelings I had for him and still do. I really didn't know how to feel anymore. I loved both of them and it wasn't fair on them....

After all this time im still into youWhere stories live. Discover now