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My arm was hurting like crazy. I was pretty sure it was dislocated, not broken, but it still hurt like hell anyway. Waves of power still pulsed through my arm from me and Tsuyoi's impact. I almost couldn't believe she was going to hit me in the chest with that.

I watched Tsuyoi's eyes widened in pain, and she pulled away, cradling her arm. I signaled to Sai with my eyes. She'd seen through Naruto's signal before, but it looked like she was too preoccupied now. But as soon as he moved, she spun and stuck her hand out, and earth shook itself from the ground and encased him with it. It was almost instantaneous.

I was stunned. She had solid defense, what with her using the earth like she did now, and her reiki art was something to marvel at. Her offense was brutal. The way she attacked Sai at the beginning was terrifying. Her eyes had been so hard and cold. She had those beautiful black katanas, and she used them so well and son naturally, they looked as if they were her second limbs. And from I was sitting, I could still count four other weapons strapped to her back. I was absolutely stunned. Tsuyoi alone was enough to take all of us like this?

And then Naruto came down from the sky, out of nowhere, with a Rasengan rotating in his palm.

You idiot! I couldn't find it in me to chastise him aloud. You would use something like that on her? We're only training!

Then a thought struck me. Is Tsuyoi stronger than Naruto?

Suddenly, a strange, sinister chakra flooded the clearing.

"Chizu! What are you doing?!" Tsuyoi suddenly yelled.

And then for a moment, all my pain vanished when I spotted that horned creature break from the trees and head for Naruto.

The creature was disgusting. With its thick matted pelt and slobbering fangs, it sent violent shivers through my body. I was scared for an instant, it blinded anything else.

Then I shook my head, clearing the spell it had cast on me.

It looked like Naruto was frozen in midair. I could see his arms trembling as he struggled against the invisible force holding him in place. Tsuyoi was standing in front of me, but I could tell she knew what was going on. And that thing's red crazed eyes held back no secrets. It was hunting for blood. And it had set its going sights on Naruto Uzumaki.

Naruto can't die here! This just a C-Rank mission! I tried to stand, but my shoulder was bitten with white-hot pain again. I couldn't let Naruto die, but I couldn't move. Even Tsuyoi had frozen. After a moment, she started to glow. Startled, I tried to scramble back. I let out a whimper of pain at the sudden moment much to my annoyance.

Tsuyoi's skin started to become wrapped in shimmering black scales. They crept up her exposed arm, and talons extended from her hands. A set of black horns sprouted from her forehead and twisted up through her green hair. The air around her became thick, and the earth crumbled at her feet as she sunk in a couple of inches. I raised my good arm to protect my face as I was blasted with a surge of raw energy.

I'm not a sensory-type ninja, but I could feel her power on my skin like the sun's rays. She was pushing out so much chakra, her body was actually becoming heavier in density to handle it all. She turned her head slightly to face me. Her face was concealed in black scales, except for her eyes and mouth, from which two long fangs protruded. 

"Don't worry, Sakura. I'll protect Naruto." She smiled then, but her eyes had hardened. She turned and crouched slightly. Pressing down, she shot into air with so much force the ground beneath me crumbled.

I watched as she sailed through the air towards Naruto and realized that they were perfectly compatible, like yin and yang. Back home we call that Onmyodo. Naruto's chakra nature was wind, and it was obvious that Tsuyoi's was earth. Like the sky and the ground hug on the horizon, these two could fill in the gaps of each other's weaknesses. I smiled then. I was sure that this stranger would fulfill her promise to me.

All of this happened in a heartbeat. Maybe two. But the world seemed to be revolving in slow motion. 

"Go, Tsuyoi!" I shouted after her. A black tail that had grown from the base of her back flicked in acknowledgement.


Tsuyoi had been radiating power like a full bucket with holes since we arrived at this strange monastery. Now it flowed free, uncontained. It was a beautiful thing to witness. Unfortunately, she hadn't undone the reiki art she'd cast on me, so I couldn't help her.

She shot through the air, stretching her arms towards Naruto.

"Turn around!" She gestured to Naruto as she reached him in mid-air. Without twisting her body, she used a long black reptilian tail to wrap around his waist and spin him around. They both faced the deer demon head on.

"Rasengan!" Naruto shouted.

"Kaiten ikari! Earth Dragon Rotating Fury!" Tsuyoi yelled, her eyes alight. Earth formed in her palm and she fused it with reiki. It spun in one direction, like you would spin a ball on your finger. She must have modeled an alternate version of Naruto's Rasengan. She can analyze such a complex move so quickly? And create her own version in an instant? The ball of earth spun faster and faster and faster until the green reiki turned a deep black. 

Naruto and Tsuyoi exchanged twin glances of exhilaration. Their power hummed in the air, even more so when Naruto ignited his Nine Tails Chakra Mode and the black-scaled Tsuyoi erupted in flaming green. They both seemed to glow in ethereal light. The bond they shared was growing stronger and its power washed over the entire clearing.

A smile passed my lips as they descended on the startled beast. Naruto pressed his Rasengan into the beast's head, Tsuyoi's Kaiten ikari in its chest. The ground below the beast collapsed, bathing the three of them in a cloud of dust.


I had never seen power rival Naruto's before. Sure, there have been people stronger than Naruto, with different styles and intent that may have had the upperhand in some of his battles. But his and Tsuyoi's fighting style and energy was so similar it was almost difficult to tell them apart. They had attacked the beast, and were now hidden by a plume of dust. 

Tsuyoi and Naruto stepped out of the shower of earth, both crackling with energy.

"It's not dead," Tsuyoi announced. "I have to finish it off."

Naruto looked startled. "What are you gonna do?"

Tsuyoi just grinned, which looked kind of creepy with long fangs. She turned, facing the incapacitated beast. It looked up at her with undisguised malice. Tsuyoi took a step back, slamming her fist into her open palm.

"Dragon Daughter Mode. Ultimate Todoroki." Green power glowed in her mouth as she spoke, billowing out like smoke.

I was rooted to the spot by the sheer strength that Naruto and Tsuyoi diffused, but some instinct told me to duck for cover.


And the world disappeared in a surge of light.

While I was blinded by its sheer brightness, I had a strange thought. With Naruto's help Tsuyoi is going to rule this country. But of course, that was just a hunch. 

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