Liodito Secrets Revealed: Part 5

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Arashiyama: This time on LSR, I have something special for you. Instead of reading me prattle, I'm going to let Tsuyoi and Natsukashii have a Q and A session. Here they are!

Tsuyoi: Hi, everybody. My name is Tsuyoi Arakawa.

Natsukashii: And I'm Natsukashii, her Dragon Spirit.

Tsuyoi: Shout out to ! She has helped Arashiyama-sama shape me as a character and me and Kashii are eternally grateful for it. Thank you, Abby-sempai!

Natsukashii: Abby-sempai, do you think Tsuyoi and Naruto should be together or not? Maybe you can help me convince her...

Tsuyoi: Shut up! If I won't listen to you and we share a freaking body, why would I listen to her? No offense, Sempai.

Natsukashii: Stop running from your feelings, freak!

Tsuyoi: I said shut up! Anyway, I'm going to answer four questions only, okay? So make 'em good.

Q: Are you scared of going back home?

Tsuyoi: Not really. I'm scared of dying, though, but that comes after. I want to see what my village looks like now. I want to see my old friends and Mother Hana and Mother Yuki. But I do not want to die, no. Anything to add, Kashii?

Natsukashii: Nope. Not dying is pretty self-explanatory.

Tsuyoi: Cheeky lizard. Okay, next.

Q: How old do you think Chizu is?

Tsuyoi: Pffft. Nobody knows. I think she's secretly two hundred or something. She's been around since the first Queen was chosen, which was about seventy years ago. And even then she had to be about middle aged. It is possible for you to change your appearance with reiki, so I wouldn't be surprised. Maybe in her nineties?

Natsukashii: Can you change how look?

Tsuyoi: I thought we were supposed to be answering the questions here. Why the hell would I need to change how I look? I'm sixteen. I live here with three old ladies. No need to impress anyone.

Tomoe (distant): My sister and I are not that old, whelp!

Tsuyoi: Yeah, yeah. What else, Question person?

Q: Since you hated being here so much, why did you never try to run away from the monastery?

Tsuyoi: That's a good question. 'Member in the first book when I told Kakashi about the border around the grounds that keeps the bokushin out? If I left, Chizu would be able to find out pretty soon. And her talent is sensory reiki. I have so much power that if I did leave, she'd feel it. Besides, it was dark when I came up here, and I haven't left since. I'm pretty sure I'd get lost.

Natsukashii: You memory is about as useful as a rusty tekkan.

Tsuyoi: It's not my fault Chizu couldn't keep her brainwaves to herself!

Natsukashii: But you remember everything Naruto says...

Tsuyoi: W-well, w-why you...

Q: Oh, that leads to the last question! Do you love Naruto?

Tsuyoi: Um...nooo....

Natsukashii: Yes, she does! Squeeee!

Tsuyoi: Shut up, you damn lizard! Come here so I can choke you!

Q: How would that work? She's inside you.

Tsuyoi: I'll find a way! CHA!


Tsuyoi: Oops. That didn't work.

Q: Owwww....

Arashiyama: Stop punching the guests! Or I'll write you a kiss scene with Naruto!

Tsuyoi: Ack! NO! DON'T DO IT!

Natsukashii: Yes, please!

Tsuyoi: SHUT UP!

Naruto: Hey, you guys. What are you doing?

Tsuyoi: CHA!


Natsukashii: AAHHH! I think you killed your boyfriend. He's bleeding.

Tsuyoi: He's not my boy--

Naruto: Konoha? I see the light. So...pretty....

Tsuyoi: Naruto, are you okay? Stay with me, dammit! Don't go towards the light!

Natsukashii: Says the star-crossed lover who hit him in the head with a dresser drawer.

Tsuyoi: It was the first thing I saw! And don't say "star-crossed" or "lover" ever again! Have you ever read Romeo and Juliet?!

Natsukashii: I was just born like four days ago...oh no, he stopped moving!

Arashiyama (face-palm) : I am never doing this again.

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