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The night was falling as Naruto and Tsuyoi returned to the monastery. Tsuyoi had been pouring all of her attention into guiding the birds into the building, including Azayaka. She sealed off her yuimaru completely from Naruto, as much as it was exhausting her, but she was in too much of a state to let it him again. She consoled herself by saying that she didn't want anyone to see her birds, and consequently, the outsiders' way of safe escape. 

She could feel Naruto's confusion and frustration in the distance, insistent, but he had given up pushing back a while ago. Uneasy silence stirred between them. She hadn't spoken since they'd left the roof. They were heading down to the outside courtyard to set the birds loose. She could have done it from the roof, she knew, probably smarter that way, too, but since he'd kissed her like that she had just wanted to get away from there.

Since he's been judgment seems to grown cloudy. It made the most logical sense to me before to kill Chizu, for me to get angry with Tomoe and Fukuo, but since he's been here, I have....I....

She froze. 

I really didn't know right from wrong. I really didn't have a conscience? Did I ever have one before then? What does morality mean? Why is it so important, so necessary to be whole? Why the hell did Hayate take it from me? It doesn't make any sense to me.

What are you doing? Natsukashii demanded, glaring. The Spirit was absolutely oblivious. I can't talk to Kurama when you do that! How else am I supposed to find out Naruto's secret feelings for you?

Shut up with your love advice, lizard, Tsuyoi shot back, angry. She wasn't at all in the mood for her Spirit's antics. You were only born a couple days ago. What do you know?

Who're you calling a lizard? Natsukashii shouted, bristling. 

 I said shut up! Tsuyoi shouted back. 

Just because you can't acknowledge your feelings doesn't mean I have to be quiet!

Tsuyoi grit her teeth. She didn't have time for feelings when other more pressing issues needed to be tended to. She was falling apart on the inside, crumbling slowly, and her stupid Dragon wanted her to worry about feelings?

"I'm asking you to be quiet, Kashii," Tsuyoi said aloud, seething. She was trying hard not to get angry.

Tsuyoi, I swear you have a rock for a head! You don't get it, but your feelings and the other things you've been having a problem with all go together! Can you stop being such a hardass and listen to me?

Tsuyoi snapped.

Shut up or I'll put you in the White Room! You're not human! How would you know anything about emotions? You're just some recycled spirit of a long-dead Dragon, so don't you dare ever try to--She stopped. Immediately wished she could take the thought back, but it was too late.

Natsukashii froze. The two manifested layers in their consciousness still existed, but had stood empty since the battle between Naruto and Yowai/Chizu in Tsuyoi's mind. Tsuyoi had hoped that sooner or later, she'd forget they were there and that they'd disappear someday. Their presence was heavy and weighted her down. Truth be told, she wasn't sure if she could actually shut Natsukashii anywhere, but was clear that her Dragon Spirit was angry at her threat. wouldn't put me in there. I'm your Spirit. You can't do that to me! Natsukashii's voice rose into hysteria. Yowai was right! You are evil! You're horrible!

Natsu...Tsuyoi reached out for her.

In the inner space that Tsuyoi shared with Natsukashii, she could see her Spirit before her. The dragon's eyes were sparking with anger and betrayal. Tsuyoi couldn't help but notice how big the dragonette had gotten then; when Tsuyoi had first woken her up, she had cradled her in her arms. Now Natsukashii towered over her, neck growing long and wings beginning to stretch away from her body. Natsukashii even stood taller than Naruto, and her talons were about the size of Tsuyoi's torso.

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