What Hideyoshi And I Have Become

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**Disclaimer: THIS IS A TEASER!!! THIS IS AN OFFSET FROM THE CURRENT STORYLINE! Also, beware! This is a very emotional and very touchy teaser. It's will also very likely be a key scene in the upcoming arc, so stay tuned!**

Scene: Naruto, Tsuyoi and the others have arrived in Muranomachi. In order to keep Naruto by Tsuyoi's side, Kakashi, Sakura, and Sai have been retained by the Council until further notice. Tsuyoi and Hide, Tsuyoi's childhood friend, are both involved in a heated argument that escalates quickly into an unimaginable act.

Note: Takumi Yamashita, Tsuyoi's childhood friend's name is being changed to Hideyoshi Yamashita, or Hide for short.


Hide moved closer, a strange look in his eye. His hands reached out and brushed her shoulders. Tsuyoi glared. She lashed out, aiming to vicious blows at his wrists. One connected and his left hand snapped backward. The other was slightly off course and crashed into his middle and index fingers. Tsuyoi's eyes went wide as the fingers gave a hideous cracking sound.

"Ow!" Hide yelped, leaping back. He stared burning fire at her. "Why are you so stubborn? I told I loved you!"

Tsuyoi backed away, keeping one eye on the door. She was closing herself in. "You don't know me," she ground out.

"What are you talking about? I might be the only one who knows you!"

"Just because you knew me as a kid doesn't mean you know who I am now!" Tsuyoi balled her fists. "Life happened, Hide! Life changed me and it changed you! So butt out of my life and start living yours!"

Hide was suddenly standing right in front of her. He grabbed her arms and pushed her into the wall, hard. Her head struck it sharply, and she gasped. "You're so cute when you're angry," he whispered in against her neck.

"W-what the hell? H-hideyoshi, get off! Let me go, you da--" She struggled against them. "--mn bastard!" Tsuyoi pushed back against him. His lips scored up her neck and jaw, rough and demanding.

"Get. The. Hell. Of. Me!" She lashed out with her foot as hard as she could. She connected with his knee and felt the bone bend beneath her foot. They both screamed; Hide from the pain and Tsuyoi from his tightening grip. She pushed harder, but he wouldn't budge. He slumped against her, all of his body weight pressing her into the wall. "DAMN YOU! GET OFF!"

He leaned his face into her neck once more. She felt something cold and wet touch her collarbone. Is that his tongue?! "Hideyoshi! Please, please, get the freaking hell off of me right now!" Her voice grew high and despreate as she tried hitting him but he grinned and pinned her wrists above her head effortlessly.


"There's no use fighting. You're not that shinobi boy's, as much as you want to be. You're mine, Tsuyoi Arakawa. Always have and always will be."

Tsuyoi froze. His voice had completely changed. It was deep and dangerous and longing and desperate and possessive. Where did Hide go? My Hide? The one I sparred with and snuck into the chicken coop for eggs with?

She remembered the sweet, shy little boy she had called brother, who stuck to her like glue. Now he was gone, vanished in a puff of smoke.

Hideyoshi Yamashita, the real one, the new one, leaned close again, pressing his lips to hers. His hands roamed. She shivered, a cry rising in her throat. She fought back against him, but all her Art Commands flew from her. She couldn't remember a thing.

But this Hideyoshi, the real one, the new one, was hurting her.

And for all her strength, all her skill and mettle and attitude, she was nothing compared to him. She was nothing but a weak little sixteen-year-old girl.

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